Saturday, December 30, 2006
Maybe I should start with kendo. Lol, I feel like my progress has slowed down considerably compared to others. Sometimes, losing in a shiai (tourney) might be quite demoralising. And then again, you begin to understand bit by bit on where you go wrong and stuff. Slowly, but surely, I'll at least catch up to them XP Haha, all you need is a little hard work...ok, maybe not a little. Its been proven that hard work pays off (after all the @_@ in secondary school). Lol, in due time.
Pangya recently released a new map, Ice Cannon. Woah, the money you earn in that course is like..."WOW!" Haha, pangya skills also seem stagnant. Guess its time to buy new clubs. Maybe I'll get the Mach 4 club after I level to Senior C. Also have a new caddie, Breula. And got new equips for Kooh, Kat Ears and Breakout Shirt. Plus a new hair color, magenta. Lol, she really looks cool now. As for Leo, no new equips since like ages -_- Hopefully, aisasoft will release their own version of equips...and then again XD
Audition also relase 2 new modes. Crud, forgot their names. Haha, first time I tried Battle Den was with my fellow nyp kendo mates. Wa, within such a short time earn 20k sia @_@ After that straightaway bought the Naruto hair. Now need to find a nice shirt. Got a few in mind but don't know what to choose XP Haha, also leveled up to level 8.
And finally, the projects are getting somewhere. Keke, should be able to finish comm skills by next week. Have to finish entrepeneurship by next week (got presentation for this one @_@) and still haven't start on my sem project, lol.
Hmm, and I wonder which I should specialise in.
These are the 6 choices:
-Telematics System
-Wireless Communications
-Embedded System Design
-Internet Technology and Communications
-Automation Design
-Wafer Fabrication Technology
got a few days left to decide XD
Sunday, December 03, 2006

Wednesday, November 29, 2006
25 random questions about YOU!
1) what is your favourite jelly flavour? Favourite eh, hmmm...peach i guess
2) frozen or boiled yougurt? Frozen too hard, boiled too hot. Cool yoghurt will be just right
3) AC/Fan? Definitely AC, unless the weather is already freezing cold @_@
4) water spray/toilet paper? Shall not think too deep into this -_- I pick water!
5) chopsticks/forks and spoons? Hands!!! lol, depends on the food.
6) what book have you read in the past 6 years that includes a dog in it? Manga included? If so, Magister Negi Magi
7) which planet would you want to live in? For now, Earth
8) flies/mosquitoes? wakaranai!
9) airplanes/space shuttles? Who needs them when u can teleport XP
10) what songs do you usually sing in the shower? i usually sleep in the shower ^^
11) spring onion or normal onions? hmm, spring i guess
12) what was the silliest thing you thought about when you were young? The dinosaur Triceratops is the ancestor of the Rhinoceras
13) ice lollies/ice cream cones? BOTH!
14) what instrument do you hate the most? not too sure..
15) peanut butter/ jelly? Peanut Butter. Why is there no option for Nutella?!
16) ah beng/ah gong? ah gong is grandfather??
17) what plastic bag is best suited for you? clean ones XP
18) where is your deoderant now? 3m away from me
19) what time do you sleep on the weekends? Depends on my mood. 12-2am?
20) why are these questions so random? That's a good question!
21) ask any question where did singlish come from? where?
22) what is the colour you hate most? The very yucky kind
23) what can you hear at the moment? GetBackers on tv
24) cockroaches or rats? neither
25) muffin or mini-cake? BOTH!
Sunday, November 12, 2006

Enough about pangya, also passed my license for Audition yesterday. So am now at level 6 XP Gonna tell Eric tmr, " WHAHAHA! I took only one try for license and I passed it hands down!" Reason was he took two tries XP Evil, yes but as Jasmine had told me, the liscense was rather easy. I need 10 perfects, 1 perfect chain, and 200 000 points. I got more than 10 perfects, more than 1 chain and 299 990 points! Muawhahaha, Eric XD
Today, was kinda cool. Went to Springleaf Garden with some of my cyl mates. Its been a long time since I last saw them. Haha, there was some carnival thing there. Then there was this graffiti contest and we took part in it after forming into 2 teams. Lol, it was kinda cool. Mayguss, Helmi and Hairul won 2nd place. Pro sia these people. Lol, funny one was the first place winners. During the time we were doing the graffiti, I was like "Lol, what happen if the kids besides us won?" True enough, they got 1st place -_-" Ahaha, also PM Lee was there and we met him face to face. He also complimented on Mayguss, Helmi and Hairul's work XP Lol, shall stop here then. Maybe I post their work next time. Nitez~
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Sunday, October 15, 2006

Ouran High School Host Club
A very hilarious anime which will sure to leave the audiences laughing, this is a must watch! The summary of the story:
Haruhi is a poor tomboyish student at a school for the ultra-wealthy, able to attend because of a scholarship, and unable to even afford a uniform. One day, she stumbles across the decidedly peculiar but very popular Ouran Host Club. She tries to leave, but accidentally breaks a vase, and unable to pay for it, she's told that she'll have to stay and do odd jobs. That is, until they decide she would be more valuable as a club member. Not realizing she's female due to her appearance, they fix her up and give her a male uniform. She's an instant hit, so they decide to have her keep up the charade even after they find out the truth. Haruhi, being average almost to a fault, doesn't know what to make of the unconventional activities of the Host Club (or of the even more unconventional members), but having little choice, she plays along. Before long, real bonds are formed, friends made, and Haruhi finds herself accepted in a way she could never have been otherwise in this affluent school. (taken from
Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Woot, she came out during the time when i had the kendo training camp. Also, a new course Silvia Cannon (the most irritating course so far) made its debut. Ahaha, therefore, when i log in to Pangya after the camp, went straight ahead to purchase her cos have been waiting for her debut for a long time (Note that the one above ain't mine cos her equipments aren't really out yet)
At first, using her was kinda hard as her stats are not on par yet with the current character i'm using, Leorio. Lol, however, i'm now able to use her quite well. Hmm, today, i thought that I will try to beat my record for Blue Lagoon, which is at -15. So this time round, I used Kooh instead of Leorio. First tourney came and went and the score was..-15. I was like ARGHHHH, cos I only need a point to break the previous score. So I tried again and it was....-15. Ahaha, I was seriously pissed man. I get the same score two times in a row n all i need was at least a birdie to break my record -_-" I went out of the room but Pcyborg was still in there so i went in to try again and this time I got...

-20!!! POWER! Wasn't really expecting -20 but what the heck and damn, I missed the trophies but who cares?! Lol, (*breathes) dis is the scorecard.

ahaha, and for all 3 tourneys I did albatross in each of them at hole 15

Monday, October 02, 2006
Ahaha! I SURVIVED! Lol. We had kendo camp from the 26th to the 30th of September. Plus, it was also the fasting period but oh well, decided to give myself a little test and went on ahead to train while fasting. Lol, lets see the interesting things that happen during camp
Seoul Garden
This is the first time I've been to Seoul Garden. The way you eat there is truly different. Reason being that you can cook your own food ^^ So for me (and a hell lot others), we only cook meat. The choices weren't that disappointing either. However, its not only the food that is interesting but the crapping and some 'idiotic' acts. I'll post some up if I can remember cos all is like kinda mixed together in my brain XD
Morning PT
Guess that i'm the only idiot that ran 2km while fasting (not to mention that i had only 1/2 an hour of sleep) Well, 14 minutes ain't that bad considering how slow I was running. After that, I have to stop awhile cos I'm so freaking tired. Lol, the funny thing about this PT is when Suresh(our senior instructor) ask us to do this piggy-back thing. Apparently we have to piggy-back back someone our size and sprint(more like jog to us) about say 60m? The boys were having no problems cept for the running part but the girls were like O_O Lol, firstly, some of them can't carry the person and end up tumbling when they tried to lift their partners, Those who managed ran half-way and uh, tumble? lol, but seriously. It was funny but they sure enjoyed it
Joshua and Paul
Lol, these two juniors are the comedians of the kendo club. Seriously, they make people laugh until you can't even laugh anymore. Joshua was being funny with all his endless comments, jokes and his trademark sentence, "Is this some kind of a sick joke?"(the way he said it is freaking hilarious, others tried but failed to amuse people) Lol, one heck of a guy. Also start calling people with made up names because...their names too hard to remember. Now we have Kon, Toby, Gay Dan, Willy, Moochy, Bob and lastly Paul.
Paul, Paul, Paul. However, this isn't his real name. His real name is Wei Jian but people called him Paul ever since Joshua started to call him Paul. Why Paul you asked? Simply put, he looks like a Paul, or that is at least the reason why Joshua decided to name him that. Dont ask me what a Paul looks like. And hell no its not Paul Twohill. Why is he funny? As Joshua puts it, he can just stand there and do nothing but people will still find it amusing. And at times, the questions he asked (seriously, he wasn't trying to be funny) will make people go O_O And btw, this guys is one heck of a pro gamer.
FFA Keiko
In other words, free-for-all keiko. Simply put: One ring, many people, fight till the last person standing. Lol, it was like damn funny sia. Chaos everywhere but who cares?! I won the first round! XD Woot! Wasn't really expecting to win. After that round, the fasting took its toll on me (its 3 days of training already...) and not to mention some people who kneed me on my left leg -_-" So, I left the battlefield to sit down, feeling rather satisfied I must say ^^ Then it was two more rounds and WTH, the winners were Joshua and Paul...speechless. Especially Paul. he did this 360 degrees Do cut (cut to the torso but where got people spin and cut -_-") It was like O_O
Lol, I'll update if theres more so for now..ciao
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Lol, but b4 dat, we went to Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts to see the Anime Exhibition (and yes, while we r also lugging dat BIG, not so HEAVY CPU) Ahaha, just go there take a look around and nothing much else.
So we proceeded to Sunshine Plaza, and just look around those anime-related stores. Also, I have never looked at many figurines in my life (I mean dis is the first time where i go around looking at figurines as well, dats da most interesting over there) Saw some interesting ones XD

Saber from Fate/Stay Night

Kooh from Pangya
Friday, September 08, 2006

Saturday, September 02, 2006
Exams were surprisingly easier than i thought.(dis time i studied lol, commont test i never XP) Lol, also u can see various type of ppl taking the exam (maybe i'll write dat up another time) Well, Electronics Communication was quite ez although i screwed up a bit at the Multiplexing ques. (Lol, after dis exam, ppl couldnt believe that the paper wasnt as difficult as imagined)
Then came Maths two days later. Normally for poly, we r allowed to look at the paper if we come in earlier(as in 5-10 mins) but not allowed to write of course. So dis Maths paper got everybody thinking "Wah, dis can do. Dis one also can do. Ez sia" when they scanned trough the paper. Then when its time, the lecturer said "U may start" Everybody flipped the paper, read question 1a and think to themselves "OH! Dis question is Arimethic Progression since they state it. Free marks sia, no need to think if dis question is AP or GP. So basically, I just need to used the AP formulas, press calculator, scribble here n there and i'm done ^^"
Well last paper was Electronic Circuit Analysis. Scored badly for dis module in my common test but luckily exam was ok cept for part b of the last ques where everyne goes O_O and no, there's no miracle to save me for dis last ques. Well, dis sem is now over and awaiting the next one XD Not b4 i enjoy my hols =P
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Monday, August 14, 2006
Friday, August 04, 2006
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Last fri was kind diff i guess. Internet computing class ended an hour earlier. And i didnt sleep a wink in electronic communication (Maybe its da last lecture?) lol. Then, went for kendo. so, headed to da clubroom where Alison (previous president) was waiting eagerly for me to arrive so she can hand over the clubroom key. We head to the SA office and sign the forms that state that i'm now the official 'owner' of da key. Alison was like so happy dat she shouted "FINALLY, I'M FREE! FREE! BWAHAHAHA!" and then do dis little dance. (lol, kidding bout the dance and shouting. wait, maybe she did shout. hmmm)
Headed back to the clubroom where everyone was gathered around jasmine and her lappy. Reason: wanna watch date movie. Geez! It was like...bleahX_X Basket! after dat got no mood to eat and the movie still lingers in my mind (now jas burning movie for selina @_@)
Lol, training wasnt too bad. Kato and Peter sensei came down (dats the first time i saw em) Ahaha, prob our last training wif Selina and Suresh. (Not last actually as some point of time they can coe back n train wif us) Lol, wished both of u luck for ur entry into university. We'll missed ya. ahaha, wif that said, its time for bed. Nitez!~
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Went for dis sports carnival on sunday wif some of my kendo friends and also some of the sakuran members. Lol, too tired to blog abt it so maybe next time~
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Saturday, July 15, 2006

Fate/stay Night
Monday, July 10, 2006

SO SHAGGED!!! Ahaha, writing dis blog during da half time of da finals. Yay, Italy managed to scored and even da odds out. Well, we'll noe who will be da next champions soon. Anywayz, I went for da windsurfing course for da past two days.
It was a blast! Saturay was da first lesson and well, we spend most of the time falling into the water. Lol, so we would get up n the board, try to bring up the sail, and then go AHHHHH! Well, the water was very choppy which didnt help us beginners a lot.
Today was better! Managed to bring da sail up from da water without falling. And i also managed to sail a few metres quite a number of times. On top of dat, i did da 180 degree turn successfully. And Wei Hao, all of us beat ya record of 10 seconds of surfing (me, zi jie, sii, liz, zhe yin n steph) Malu sia, u lose to da girls (lol jkjk XD) ahaha, overall windsurfing is a very cool sport. Maybe i'll go back there one day to try again XD Aite, back to World Cup
Wednesday, July 05, 2006

GOAL!! Ahaha! Italy beat Germany 2-0. Whoever would have thought that the very first goal (scored by Fabio Grosso) for da match would be scored at the last two mins b4 extra time ended. With the aid of Pirlo, he got the ball and curl into the net, giving Lehmann a run for his money. And the second goal was scored by Del Piero few minutes b4 the game ended. He managed to score after 1 on 1 wif Lehmann. Well, the probability of Italy winning will be lowered geatly if the match proceeded to the P.K so they had to produce that one goal that would pave a road to da finals. It can be seen when extra time started as they waste no time to try n put da ball into da net although both attempts by Alberto Gilardino n Gianluca Zambrotta failed. Anywayz, to Germany, there's da next World Cup so train hard ya.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Lol, after dat, went to play LAN wif Darren, ZC, Eric, Yazid, Richard and Saiful. First game we played is Jedi Knights or smth like dat. The game is pretty cool cept for the fact that i dropped in to the lava below a number of times =_=" Lol, after dat we played Battlefield and u can see a lot of things u wont see on a real battlefield XD
One things for sure, Eric is a dangerous person. I mean he was so happy he managed to get into a tank dat he did not see darren in front of him an run ova him -_-" Darren was killing the enemy soldiers one by one without getting hurt and then...he went to the heavans...Yazid (hiding at da first floor of dis building) was sniping a few bunch of soldiers abt 2-3m away when...BOOM! yes, the enemy soldiers die...and so did yazid. Reason was Eric saw the bunch of soldiers and shot em(YES! HE IS STILL IN THE BLOODY TANK) and since yazid was near, he got hit as well (instant death XD)
Ahaha, after dat played good ol' CS abt an hour of so. Hehe, havent play for so long but i think i did fairly well XP must go do Industrial design assignment but i dont even noe what to do.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Your 10 Favourites
1. Favourite Colour- Black
2. Favourite Food- Ehehehe, too many...
3. Favourite Song- Give a Reason by Megumi Hayashibara and a lot more XD
4. Favourite Movie- Hard to say
5. Favourite Sport- Kendo (and soccer perhaps)
6. Favourite Season- Its either rainy or sunny in Singapore...
7. Favourite Day of the week- Saturday
8. Favourite Ice-cream Flavour- Mocha
9. Favourite Book- I prefer comics
10. Favourite anime/cartoon - There's a hell lot...
9 Currents
1. Current Mood- Hungry and sleepy XD
2. Current Clothes- t-shirt and shorts
3. Current desktop- Wallpaper of Ilya from Fate/Stay Night and a lots of icons
4. Current Toenail- wad da fish is dis...
5. Current Time- close to midnight
6. Current Annoyance(s)- Upcoming common test, current PC and my very hungry stomach
7. Current Thought- Sleeping
8. Current boyfriend/girlfriend- None!
9. Current Book you are reading- Electronics Communication EG2010 textbook @_@
8 Firsts
1. First Best Friend- Can only remember as far back as kindergarten so......Kristin
2. First Crush- Might be the top person. Might be not. No idea.
3. First Movie- wo bu zhi dao. maybe The Land B4 Time perhaps
4. First Piercing- Pierce what? food?!?
5. First Lie- ...
6. First Music- cant remember
7. First Car- A toy car bought from a...i dunno...maybe a pasar malam
8. First Handphone- Dis old motorola phone that has an antaenna...literally
7 Lasts
1. Last Cigraette- Never!
2. Last Drink- Orange Squash...wait! Plain Water
3. Last Car Ride- ummmms...
4. Last Crush- hmm, not telling XD
5. Last Movie Seen- Shinobi
6. Last Phone Call- forgot who...
7. Last CD played- Ayumi Hamasaki perhaps
6 Have U ever
1. Have you ever dated one of your best friends - Sadly no...
2. Have you ever broken the law- Let's see...jaywalking...littering...XD
3. Have you ever been arrested- Go see wei hao's blog. I'm one of those in his so-called jail XD
4. Have you ever skinny-dipped- dis word looks familiar...
5. Have you ever been on TV - think so
6. Have you ever kissed someone u didnt know- nope
5 things you are wearing
1. Specs
2. T-shirt
3. Shorts
4. Underwear
5. Powder
4 things you have done today
1. Study
2. Watch Tv
3. Play PS2
4. Eat
3 things you can hear right now
1. A motorbike in da carpark
2. My stomach
3. My siblings
2 Things you cant live without
1. People (family, friends etc.)
2. still thinking...
1 thing you do when you are bored
1. Anime!
Tagged Victim:
1. Erwin
2. Nicholas
3. Siti
4. Sujith
5. Yixin
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Ahaha, past few days has been cool (almost). First up, there was a campfire at Hougang Sec on sat. However, there was only 4 of us -_-" So we decided to join Unicorn, along with Harris from Condor. And I can tell u the Unicorn ppl are da craziest batch i have ever seen...seriously. Lol, its great fun to be with em XD Ahaha, the emcees were also good, with Ahmad being the best and funniest as usual. All in all, it would be a pretty successful campfire if not for da rain which force us to move into da hall 2 times @_@ Also met some of my fellow jamboree mates XP
On sun, I went to this carnival held at the Police Academy. Enetered a lucky draw and I won...a slow cooker T_T I have a feeling I will win smth but a slow cooker... I have soooo wanted da printer T_T..
Yesterday, played pangya for da first time in i dunno how long. Most memorable match is when i fought nimrehs, who did tomahawk shots like there's no tmr XP Bah, she's much ahead of me so its expected she'd do dat...and win T_T
After dat, went to sch to study and i found out dat one should never pass a whiteboard marker to ZC and Eric. Why? maybe I'll tell u ppl another time. Gah, my stomach's acting up again @_@
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
[Bus Ride 1] This is one hell of a ride I wont forget. Since I had school, I can only go to camp on the third day, the same day the cadets are going. So wif a few of us ventures (the rest are there on thurs), plus a scout and all da cadets, we headed to our destination. I thought i could u noe, catch some shut eye but i was dead wrong. The cadets were talking to us non-stop (like an i-pod dat only needs to recharge their battery for a min when the battery goes flat although this isn't really music to our ears) Anyways, it was quite entertaining and also sometimes interesting. I feel now the whole cadet unit noes me XD
[Stars] The sky was literally littered wif stars. I was like "WOW!" One can never see di many stars in S'pore
[Night Hike] I didnt really hike cos i'm supposed to be da 'kidnapper' What i remembere most about this is when i have to set off from the camp alone (wif my bag T_T). Since my torch is relatively useless, I have to depend on the moonlight to see. The most funny thing is dat it was so freaking dark that i couldnt find the trail leading from da camp to da road. So I keep walking back and forth until I found it @_@.
[Sunrise] Very Nice ^^
[Colours] Ahaha, I was part of the colours party. My job is to 'raise' the prep flag. We only decided who will be in and rehearsed it all the night b4 but i think we did a pretty decent job
[Breakfast] Nasi Lemak wif egg, cucumber, sambal, and 6 ikan bilis...
[Games] Lol, dis time, i went wif another village to play games. I pair up wif Weiting and in da grp there was Fabian, Ken, Ruthran, 'Cobra', 'Beckham' and some others. Lol, the beach games were fun and to me, it was like "FINALLY! THE SEA!" ahaha, the weather was hot so cooling off in the sea was ^^
[The Dreaded Storm] It started of wif a simple drizzle during outdoor cooking. Then it started to rain heavily but most of us thought it'll pass quickly so we continue cooking (for my grp, we were still trying to mantain the fire but it was useless as it got extinguished later in the most ridiculous way). Then, the storm came and it was impossible to stay outdoors so all of us ran back to the hanger to seek refuge. Then came the dreaded moment when we saw half of our tent (me, kerhan and alfred) in da air. We were like O_O and realised that our belongings were inside so we ran to the half-flooded tent to retrieve em. We though the situation was ok until we literally saw our tent almost blown away by the wind. Luckily, some of the leaders quickly rush there to strike down the tent b4 things got worse.
[Mini Campfire] The campfire was gr8 although it could be improved a lot (The program part and some other stuff). The combination of Liz, Sherwyn and Glenn as emcees was...interesting.
[Bus Ride 2] Dis time, its with the scouts. And they were practically high at dat time as they keep singing (changing all the lyrics to only two words "Very Good") and then later it was...O_O
To sum it all..."VERY GOOD"
Monday, May 29, 2006
Hard Gay TOMY Part 2
Hehe XD Another Hard Gay clip. This time, he wants his own version of a toy made by TOMY. Nice toy actually XP Manage to try it cos my friend imported it O_O ahaha! Go go watch it!!
After dat I tried my best to sleep and woke up on Sun morn, preparing to go windsurfing. Was late for it but luckily, lessons havent start. We were taught the theory and stuff and b4 going to the practical, it rained...and we decided to postpone it so as to make full use of the time next time XP After that, went to Marine Parade to eat. Lol, Darryl was learning how to use chopsticks and it was quite funny actually as we were like talking crap about how to use a chopstick. Went home after dat to finish up my report XP
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Hard Gay Cupid Part 2
Hard Gay Cupid Part 3
One of the Hard Gay clips divided into 3 parts. Dont worry its nothing obscene, go go watch it XP Dunno why the guy name himself Hard Gay but oh well, he is still freaking popular in Japan @_@ Translated by Bakafish. hooooooooooooooo!
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
A video made by cutepresea. Complilation of the "Tales of" game series.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Saturday, May 20, 2006
The best thing dat happen on fri was kendo. We had cross training with the NUS and Waseda High School (Not sure if spelling is rite XP). Ahaha, and we also finally got back to training at da hall (YES!! NO MORE SQUASH COURTS!!!) Anyways, training started with the basic warm up and stuff. Then we did kiri kaeshi, dobi gobi men and the likes. After that, we had a shiai between our guests schs and the japanese ppl showed they were no pushovers. Even if they lost a point, they took it back in a matter of seconds O_O
Ahaha, after we had ji keiko (sparring ^^) First I fought wif dis japanese girl. Her strength lies in her men cut, as she only attempted a few kote and if i'm not wrong, no do. Then after her, I fought dis NUS guy whose strength is also in his men cuts(and he also did koe and do). However, he likes to fake and also make people lose their centre (as in orientation is gone as he moves the shinai in a way u wont expect ppl to move it) And then, he goes for the kill. Lol, after that he taught me certain way to cut men and maybe, i'll try it.
After dis, i fought an NUS girl who is a sticker (as in she constantly stay close to me so it'll be hard for me to get a point) And whenever direction i go, she follows. Its like trying to get a leech out of ya. And then again, i'm training my hiki technique(hiki-men, hiki- kote, hiki do - they can only be used when ur close to ur opponent and instead of going forward when u cut, u go backwards) as my men is not dat good yet. So, yea. Manage to get a few points. Then, I fight wif another NUS guy who is so far the most aggresive among the lot. And for the last keiko, another NUS girl and hell is she good (espeacially her debanna men, smth xn likes to do). Also she's quite agile. Lol, after dat training ended. Shiok sia, see so many style of fighting. Ahaha, it has ended and now, i'll concentrate on tmr(actually today's) campfire
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Name 20 ppl u can think of at the top of your head. Dun read the below questions before you write and tag 5 ppl to do this survey.
1) Saiful
4)Wan Yee
10)Senel (game char, is dis even legal XP)
11)Norma(game char)
17)Wei Hao
18) Peixian
20)Tian Peng
How did you meet 14?
(Nicholas) My junior in scouts. Therefore, in St. Andrew's Sec. Nice fellow
What would you do if you never met 1?
(Saiful) AHAHAHAHA! Dis guy! Guess my life wouldn't be a lot more interesting. Also known as 'The Fool' cos of 'ful' at the end of his name. Shankar came up with stories on how his name came about but i'll save it for next time XD
What would you do if 20 and 9 dated?
(Tian Peng and Jiaying) Interesting...tottemo omoshiroi desune. ehehehe...
Did you ever like 19?
(Mayguss) Of course I like. I like all my friends XP Fun girl to be with and a hell lot better at drawing than me X_X
Would 6 and 17 make a good couple?
(Nickolas and Wei Hao) Ewwwww...gross. Dat would be like so gay...
Describe 3
(Weiqi) One of my good friends in kendo. Fun guy to be with and a big fan of Ai Otsuka XD One of the best from our batch in kendo.
Do you think 8 is attractive?
(Darren) This question is SO wrong if the person is a guy. I dunno, go ask the girls.
Tell me something about 7
(Hazel) My 19 year old classmate who is one of the smartest in the class. A hardworking girl although she claims to be lazy (dunno which is true)
Do you know any of 12's family?
(Donna) Nope.
What's 8's favourite?
(Darren) Uh, playing the Naruto game on his PS2?
What would you do if 11 confesses that he/she likes you?
(Norma) Sadly, she's a game char from TOL. If she were real though, it'll be cool! Besides her looks, I kinda like her personality also XP
What language does 15 speak?
(Sherman) Hmm, alien? Lol, quite a number. English, Chinese, Malay(under construction), Japanese?
Who is 9 going out with?
(Jiaying) Currently, i dont think there's any1
How old is 16 now?
(Shankar) Same like me ya. 18 yrs.
When was the last time you talked to 13?
(Richard) Let me see, last week i guess
Who's 2 favourite band/singer?
(Yazid) He like so many band/singers that I'm not sure myself. Go check his mp3 for further enquiries.
Would you date 4?
(Wan Yee) She's attached I think
Would you date 7?
(Hazel) Hmm, I see her more of like my older sister.
Is 15 single?
(Sherman) Shermy eh, I haven't the slightest idea.
What's 10's last name?
(Senel) A game char from TOL as well. He is the main lead. His last name is Coolidge.
Would you ever be in a serious relationship with 11?
(Norma) If she were real, yea. I have no prob in having a relationship with her. But before dat, define serious relationship -_-"
What school does 3 go to?
(Weiqi) SIT
Where does 6 live?
(Nickolas) Hmm, in a house? Lol, I think safer I dont say.
Whats your favourite thing about 5?
(Aiyun) Hmm, i guess her kind personality
Have you seen no.1 naked?
And now, my favourite...
Tagged Victim:
1) Saiful
2) Nicholas
3) Mayguss
4) Wei Hao
5) Aiyun