Sunday, October 22, 2006
Sunday, October 15, 2006

Ouran High School Host Club
A very hilarious anime which will sure to leave the audiences laughing, this is a must watch! The summary of the story:
Haruhi is a poor tomboyish student at a school for the ultra-wealthy, able to attend because of a scholarship, and unable to even afford a uniform. One day, she stumbles across the decidedly peculiar but very popular Ouran Host Club. She tries to leave, but accidentally breaks a vase, and unable to pay for it, she's told that she'll have to stay and do odd jobs. That is, until they decide she would be more valuable as a club member. Not realizing she's female due to her appearance, they fix her up and give her a male uniform. She's an instant hit, so they decide to have her keep up the charade even after they find out the truth. Haruhi, being average almost to a fault, doesn't know what to make of the unconventional activities of the Host Club (or of the even more unconventional members), but having little choice, she plays along. Before long, real bonds are formed, friends made, and Haruhi finds herself accepted in a way she could never have been otherwise in this affluent school. (taken from
Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Woot, she came out during the time when i had the kendo training camp. Also, a new course Silvia Cannon (the most irritating course so far) made its debut. Ahaha, therefore, when i log in to Pangya after the camp, went straight ahead to purchase her cos have been waiting for her debut for a long time (Note that the one above ain't mine cos her equipments aren't really out yet)
At first, using her was kinda hard as her stats are not on par yet with the current character i'm using, Leorio. Lol, however, i'm now able to use her quite well. Hmm, today, i thought that I will try to beat my record for Blue Lagoon, which is at -15. So this time round, I used Kooh instead of Leorio. First tourney came and went and the score was..-15. I was like ARGHHHH, cos I only need a point to break the previous score. So I tried again and it was....-15. Ahaha, I was seriously pissed man. I get the same score two times in a row n all i need was at least a birdie to break my record -_-" I went out of the room but Pcyborg was still in there so i went in to try again and this time I got...

-20!!! POWER! Wasn't really expecting -20 but what the heck and damn, I missed the trophies but who cares?! Lol, (*breathes) dis is the scorecard.

ahaha, and for all 3 tourneys I did albatross in each of them at hole 15

Monday, October 02, 2006
Ahaha! I SURVIVED! Lol. We had kendo camp from the 26th to the 30th of September. Plus, it was also the fasting period but oh well, decided to give myself a little test and went on ahead to train while fasting. Lol, lets see the interesting things that happen during camp
Seoul Garden
This is the first time I've been to Seoul Garden. The way you eat there is truly different. Reason being that you can cook your own food ^^ So for me (and a hell lot others), we only cook meat. The choices weren't that disappointing either. However, its not only the food that is interesting but the crapping and some 'idiotic' acts. I'll post some up if I can remember cos all is like kinda mixed together in my brain XD
Morning PT
Guess that i'm the only idiot that ran 2km while fasting (not to mention that i had only 1/2 an hour of sleep) Well, 14 minutes ain't that bad considering how slow I was running. After that, I have to stop awhile cos I'm so freaking tired. Lol, the funny thing about this PT is when Suresh(our senior instructor) ask us to do this piggy-back thing. Apparently we have to piggy-back back someone our size and sprint(more like jog to us) about say 60m? The boys were having no problems cept for the running part but the girls were like O_O Lol, firstly, some of them can't carry the person and end up tumbling when they tried to lift their partners, Those who managed ran half-way and uh, tumble? lol, but seriously. It was funny but they sure enjoyed it
Joshua and Paul
Lol, these two juniors are the comedians of the kendo club. Seriously, they make people laugh until you can't even laugh anymore. Joshua was being funny with all his endless comments, jokes and his trademark sentence, "Is this some kind of a sick joke?"(the way he said it is freaking hilarious, others tried but failed to amuse people) Lol, one heck of a guy. Also start calling people with made up names because...their names too hard to remember. Now we have Kon, Toby, Gay Dan, Willy, Moochy, Bob and lastly Paul.
Paul, Paul, Paul. However, this isn't his real name. His real name is Wei Jian but people called him Paul ever since Joshua started to call him Paul. Why Paul you asked? Simply put, he looks like a Paul, or that is at least the reason why Joshua decided to name him that. Dont ask me what a Paul looks like. And hell no its not Paul Twohill. Why is he funny? As Joshua puts it, he can just stand there and do nothing but people will still find it amusing. And at times, the questions he asked (seriously, he wasn't trying to be funny) will make people go O_O And btw, this guys is one heck of a pro gamer.
FFA Keiko
In other words, free-for-all keiko. Simply put: One ring, many people, fight till the last person standing. Lol, it was like damn funny sia. Chaos everywhere but who cares?! I won the first round! XD Woot! Wasn't really expecting to win. After that round, the fasting took its toll on me (its 3 days of training already...) and not to mention some people who kneed me on my left leg -_-" So, I left the battlefield to sit down, feeling rather satisfied I must say ^^ Then it was two more rounds and WTH, the winners were Joshua and Paul...speechless. Especially Paul. he did this 360 degrees Do cut (cut to the torso but where got people spin and cut -_-") It was like O_O
Lol, I'll update if theres more so for now..ciao