Sunday, July 30, 2006

lol, since quite a number wrote abt last training n stuff, might as well just write a bit about it. So yea. To all kendokas: No more training unless stated. Pls help to spread the message around, especially to thse who aren't present last fri. Domo.

Last fri was kind diff i guess. Internet computing class ended an hour earlier. And i didnt sleep a wink in electronic communication (Maybe its da last lecture?) lol. Then, went for kendo. so, headed to da clubroom where Alison (previous president) was waiting eagerly for me to arrive so she can hand over the clubroom key. We head to the SA office and sign the forms that state that i'm now the official 'owner' of da key. Alison was like so happy dat she shouted "FINALLY, I'M FREE! FREE! BWAHAHAHA!" and then do dis little dance. (lol, kidding bout the dance and shouting. wait, maybe she did shout. hmmm)

Headed back to the clubroom where everyone was gathered around jasmine and her lappy. Reason: wanna watch date movie. Geez! It was like...bleahX_X Basket! after dat got no mood to eat and the movie still lingers in my mind (now jas burning movie for selina @_@)

Lol, training wasnt too bad. Kato and Peter sensei came down (dats the first time i saw em) Ahaha, prob our last training wif Selina and Suresh. (Not last actually as some point of time they can coe back n train wif us) Lol, wished both of u luck for ur entry into university. We'll missed ya. ahaha, wif that said, its time for bed. Nitez!~

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