Monday, August 14, 2006

Nationals Kendo Tournament
My second tourney after like...close to a year? Lol, it was held at 13th August. Ahaha, woke about half an hour later then my intended time so i ask Selina n the others to go on without me. Reach the Changi dojo at 7.30 and proceed to register my name and check who i'm fighting. Turns out its a round robin and i'm fighting two of my seniors, Poh Huat and Mikio. In the end, I lost to both of them althoughI managed to get a point off Poh Huat with a hiki men. Lol, maybe I was too 'kanchiong' (dunno if spelling is correct) as some of my friends were saying. Ahaha, actually I think I was. Well, this tourney is over but there's the next one in October ^^ (although that may be in the fasting month itself @_@) Ahaha, gratz to all the people who won!

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