Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Melanchony of Suzumiya Haruhi
Call me slow but I started watching this anime about a week ago (although I got the anime from Saiful for god knows how many months ago) Ahaha, this is one anime I like. It may start out to be super confusing (especially in Episode 1 where you will go O_O) However, as what other people say, just bear with it and continue watching. Lol, here is a short intro to the anime.
On the first day of high school, a beautiful girl introduces herself as Suzumiya Haruhi. Well, its normal for students to intoduce themselves at the first day of school and to give a brief introduction of themselves (like what they like, hobbies etc.) Except that this is Haruhi's introduction:
"My name is Suzumiya Haruhi. I graduated from East Junior High. Normal humans don't interest me. If anyone here is an alien, a time traveler, slider, or an esper, then come find me! That is all."
Just a note, this is episode 2. Well, episode 1 is for...you will know the reason when you watch the whole thing. For me, two episodes left to watch XD

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Went to Sim Lim yesterday with Saiful and Richard cos Saiful's com has some serious problems XD Went there and wasted time waiting to be fixed. (Actually, we just spent our time watching FF7: Dirge of the Cerebus cinematics while waiting) After god knows how long, the com was 'fixed'. Why 'fixed'? Reason being when he gets home, com still have some probs XD

Lol, but b4 dat, we went to Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts to see the Anime Exhibition (and yes, while we r also lugging dat BIG, not so HEAVY CPU) Ahaha, just go there take a look around and nothing much else.

So we proceeded to Sunshine Plaza, and just look around those anime-related stores. Also, I have never looked at many figurines in my life (I mean dis is the first time where i go around looking at figurines as well, dats da most interesting over there) Saw some interesting ones XD

Saber from Fate/Stay Night

Kooh from Pangya

Friday, September 08, 2006

Woot! Finally, got first in tourney XD well, onli have 10 ppl so the most u can get is bronze. Who cares lol?! I broke my previous record for white wiz, broke my previous record for long putt (abt 40y) and finish first in the tourney XD

Saturday, September 02, 2006


Exams were surprisingly easier than i thought.(dis time i studied lol, commont test i never XP) Lol, also u can see various type of ppl taking the exam (maybe i'll write dat up another time) Well, Electronics Communication was quite ez although i screwed up a bit at the Multiplexing ques. (Lol, after dis exam, ppl couldnt believe that the paper wasnt as difficult as imagined)

Then came Maths two days later. Normally for poly, we r allowed to look at the paper if we come in earlier(as in 5-10 mins) but not allowed to write of course. So dis Maths paper got everybody thinking "Wah, dis can do. Dis one also can do. Ez sia" when they scanned trough the paper. Then when its time, the lecturer said "U may start" Everybody flipped the paper, read question 1a and think to themselves "OH! Dis question is Arimethic Progression since they state it. Free marks sia, no need to think if dis question is AP or GP. So basically, I just need to used the AP formulas, press calculator, scribble here n there and i'm done ^^"
All of us were so so WRONG! After ppl thought like dat (not exactly like dat la but all have the same thoughts one way or another), they write down the formulas and went ahead to do the question. Then came the O_O followed by "EH!?" or "Hmm..." or "WTF!?" or etc. Dont get me wrong, Maths paper was relatively ez. They purposely put the very first question a killer question to throw ppl of course, make them panic etc. Funny sia, almost every1 in the hall was like O_O.
Well, i tried doing the question in pen. Wrote the formula, tried subbing the values in (tot it was like past year paper) and then O_O. Then i tried doing in pencil in case i'm wrong. Do...do...do...do...do and in the end "OH SHEET! wrong ans..." I look at the time and saw 20 mins have passed. "ALAMAK! NO TIME! Ah hell, i just do in pen, maybe there's a mistake in my calculations" I was rite...I spent a grand total of 30 mins(1/4 of the exam time) just to do part A of question 1...never in my life have i seen...

Well last paper was Electronic Circuit Analysis. Scored badly for dis module in my common test but luckily exam was ok cept for part b of the last ques where everyne goes O_O and no, there's no miracle to save me for dis last ques. Well, dis sem is now over and awaiting the next one XD Not b4 i enjoy my hols =P