Thursday, January 11, 2007

Ok this hectic week for the two projects are coming to an end. Not like I start them last minute or something...Maybe except my semestral project which i started last Sunday (and a lot started like at LEAST month ago -_-" ) Oh well, at least I have only two more wires to wire wrap and then download the program into my circuit XP

Thank god my comm skill group are like...SHIOK! Lol, was like gambling a little when I chose my teammates but now I have no regrets XD Presentation this Friday for comm skills. Crud, need to wear formal @_@ Shall psycho myself to believe that formal wear is actually that darn comfortable XD Keke, also got back my last two results. Got a Dist for Maths but for Micro P....die..die...Lol, so now 2 Dist, a B and last one is....XP Crud, need to backup sia.

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