Saturday, March 17, 2007

Long time no see people! >.< Haha, a bit too lazy too constantly update but i do update once in a while XD Lol, exams are over and now having my attachment. NO HOLIDAY SIA T___T Lol, 2 weeks have passed since i first started on attachment. What i'm doing for attachment? Haha, thats a secret =x Nah, just ask me online or something if ya wanna know. Shouldn't say too much online for safety purpose XD

Lol, started playing qRO (Quality Ragnarok Online) Yes, I know its like kinda old but still find the RO nice though. I'm still playing Pangya and Audi although not as often as before. Haha, yesterday was kinda crappy lol. Played audi with my club members and got crombed >.< All too pro already haha. Nevermind, if they come Pangya..hehehe...

Training yesterday was @_@ Felt flat on my back during training. Ya know, like a bull charging at you and your from this position 'I', straightaway to this postion '_' Scary sia ==" Lol, gotta go now. Ciao~

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