Saturday, August 04, 2007

It's been quite a hectic friday. Celebrated two ppl's birthday, Yiwen and Farhana. Lol, Farhana's birthday is on Saturday so we had an early birthday party for her. Yiwen's already got her 'present' on Monday during training. Whahahaha~

Anyways, here are the pics for Farhana's Birthday. Stole them from Sue's blog. =P First, presenting the birthday girl, Farhana!

Haha, she was like "HOLY SHEET!" when the cake arrived. I think she knew there was a surprise party but maybe didn't expect the cake to be brought in the lab. Well, we weren't suppose to eat inside anyway =P

The chocalatey goodness~ Bought this cake from Secret Recipe. This cake is pratically rich in chocolate. So rich that one slice is enough to make you full ~_~

Eating the cake, chit chatting and doing random stuff in the lab. We're like breaking the rules openly lol! People in the next lab must be wondering what the hell we're doing.

Formal shot of L339. Crud, Hanif's not inside cause he ain't feeling well and didn't come to school. Well, here are the rest of us then~

Informal shot 1. Crazy bunch of people I tell you

Informal Shot 2. Wilfred actually fell off his chair but I'm kind enough not to put that photo in aye =P So Wil, you owe me one. Keke!

That's about it I guess. Happy Belated Birthday to Yiwen and Happy Birthday to Farhana once again. One more year older aye =D Crud, lookie here. It's late! Guess I'll hit the sacks now. Cheers~

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