Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I forgot which website I took this pic from. Remember the days when you would stand in front of the fan and marvel at all the different weird sounds you're able to make. You would be able to entertain yourself, even with the simplest things. However, as we are growing, the things it takes to entertain or satisfy us increased. People tend to be dissatisfied, even after getting what they want. Even sourcing out for entertainment proves to be difficult for them. What do you people think?

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Lets101 Quizzes - Quizzes for Fun

Just a random post. Hmm, I'm thinking of moving my blog to wordpress. Guess I'll give it a try.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Bubur Pulut Hitam

The picture above doesn't really show that the dessert is appetizing does it? That's the best picture I can find thus far. Bubur Pulut Hitam, otherwise known as Black glutinous rice porridge, is one of the many desserts found commonly in Malaysia (although it has become quite common in Singapore as well). It is cooked with sago and served hot with santan (coconut milk).

What really appalled me was the reaction I received when I bought this dessert in Koufu the other day. Three of my classmates were staring at me when I brought the dessert to the table. Three of them, not one! The way they stared is as though i was bringing deep fried naked mole rats to the table. Even a fourth classmate, who knows about the existence of the dessert exclaimed to me "Eh Nasu, you also know about pulut hitam arh?" Thus, I was wondering...

Do all of you know what pulut hitam is? Reason being I see a lot of dessert shops selling them and its quite awkward not to notice their existence. However, a more appropriate question would be: Have any of you ate pulut hitam before?

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The movie is based on the events occurred in all 3 .hack//G.U games. It has been scheduled to be released in Japan on January 25th, 2008.

.hack// G.U. is actually the prologue of the anime series, .hack//Roots. The story is situated in an mmorpg called "The World R:2". So, what happen to the original one "The World"?

Well, a fire in the main C.C Corp. (the company that created "The World") building resulted in massive loss of data, forcing the company to shut down "The World". By splicing in data from what would have been another game, CC Corp. was able to rebuild the game system. "The World R:2" was promptly created the following year.

However, many veteran players objected the move because they can't transfer their character data over (imagine getting a high level character after so long and suddenly, you have to restart from level 1. It's a pain in the butt, I know) Nonetheless, many new players join the game. Furthermore, as a result of the new world, 4 major clans came into power.

.hack//G.U revolves around Haseo and his quest to seek revenge against Tri-Edge, who had PKed his close friend, Shino, and also other players. The problem is when you get PKed by Tri-Edge, your real self will enter into coma. Due to his thirst for revenge, he started hunting down PKers and won't stop till he met Tri-Edge. As a result, he emerged as a powerful PKKer known as the "Terror of Death". When he finally encounters Tri-Edge...

I'll not spoilt for you people! Go play the game or something =P On a serious note, the game is really worth the time playing. Graphics and music are good, not to mention the amazing storyline. At the very least you can watch the anime .hack//Roots before playing the game if you're afraid you can't follow the storyline. If you're too lazy to play the game, just wait for the movie then. It looks real promising! Here's the trailer for the movie, although the high definition quality of the movie cant be seen here cos it's...YouTube =P Sound might be a little soft for the video

Monday, November 12, 2007

The past week has been a blast! Where should I start hmm..? Guess I'll do it in chronological order starting from the latest.

Lim Kwa Chee Memorial Tournament 2007 - Finally...after two and a half years...I managed to proce
ed through the first round in the individuals T___T Wait! Wait! Let me savor the moment *10 sec pause* That should be enough for now =S Furthermore, i manage to get bronze! My first medal in my life! OMG!!!! *an hour pause* (Ok, i might be overreacting here but what the heck! =DDD)

Everyone did well, including the year 1's. Even though it's their first tourney, they actually managed to put up a good fight. A good job to all of you!

Hmm, don't think I'll put up how my matches went in this post. Maybe next time when i ain't lazy. Note the word maybe =P Thanks to all those who encouraged me. Especially those from my batch =)


Ladies Jr
1 - Jasmine
2 - Selina
3 - Claire and Yick Siew

Men Jr
1 - Wai Kay
2 - Gabriel
3 - Me and Morioka

Ladies Sr
1 - Joyce

2 - I have no idea
3 - Yuyan and somebody

Men Sr
1 - Suresh
2 - Nishida Sensei
3 - Hmm, cannot remember also

Saber Plushie - Isn't she the most adorable thing!? The plushie shown is not exactly similar to the one i bought but its 90% close XD Bought it from the Comics Connection clearance sale which is still ongoing in the SBM block.

Don't ask why I bought it. I even bought an elephant plushie from Thailand =/ Lol, although this saber plushie is most prolly an imitation (Seeing how i'm able to buy it for 5 bucks when outside, its selling with an even higher pricing) Then again, it's a clearance sale =/

Now it's sitting happily on the bed =D

Not forgetting - A happy belated Deepavali to all my Indian friends. During Deepavali, went LAN gaming with my course mates to play Battlefield and as usual, there were a number of funny scenes. After that went to walk around at Sunshine Plaza and Sim Lim. Thereafter, I went on to a Deepavali dinner whereas my friends went back home. Sorry to those people who waited for like half an hour for me. Gomen gomen! The food was kinda good though =D

Comm skills presentation last Tuesday wasn't too bad also. Lucky my group mates are good else..*faints* I think we did fairly well. Crud, have been having a cold since yesterday night. Its always like this after tourney or camp where my body will be feeling absolutely drained. Fatigue perhaps. Oh well, what to do. Guess I'll go start on my assignments now. Cheers~

Friday, November 02, 2007