Monday, May 29, 2006

Hard Gay TOMY Part 1

Hard Gay TOMY Part 2

Hehe XD Another Hard Gay clip. This time, he wants his own version of a toy made by TOMY. Nice toy actually XP Manage to try it cos my friend imported it O_O ahaha! Go go watch it!!
Lets start on sat. Watch the Ring on TV and hell I couldnt sleep afterwards -_-" I mean the movie is the creepiest when the tv just turn on by itself and then showed the girl walking slowly out of it towards the victim (shivers) After the Ring, there was these show called The Sketch which is, well, made up of many small sketches. It was freaking hilarious and my younger bro couldn't stop laughing.

After dat I tried my best to sleep and woke up on Sun morn, preparing to go windsurfing. Was late for it but luckily, lessons havent start. We were taught the theory and stuff and b4 going to the practical, it rained...and we decided to postpone it so as to make full use of the time next time XP After that, went to Marine Parade to eat. Lol, Darryl was learning how to use chopsticks and it was quite funny actually as we were like talking crap about how to use a chopstick. Went home after dat to finish up my report XP

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Hard Gay Cupid Part 1

Hard Gay Cupid Part 2

Hard Gay Cupid Part 3

One of the Hard Gay clips divided into 3 parts. Dont worry its nothing obscene, go go watch it XP Dunno why the guy name himself Hard Gay but oh well, he is still freaking popular in Japan @_@ Translated by Bakafish. hooooooooooooooo!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

A video made by cutepresea. Complilation of the "Tales of" game series.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Ahaha! Yesterday's gangshow went pretty well if i say so myself. hehe, a great job to weishan and her comm for coming up with the gangshow. And also to others who help em along the way. lol, to the scouts who help me get da items- a big thank you to ya'll. And to those who help me wif the refreshments as well. Everyone worked hard to make it a success so for now, relax a little and get ya well deserved rest.


Saturday, May 20, 2006

Friday came and went...Anyways, on fri morn, went to Internet Computing class expecting a test but in the was postpone @_@ Ah hell, its an open book test and furthermore, a lot of ppl say it was ez. Also, I got dis anime called 'The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya' from Saiful. First ep (actually, its episode 00) was a bit weird as u'll get confuse. However, from the next ep onwards, ppl say its better and well, we'll see XP Info can be found here:

The best thing dat happen on fri was kendo. We had cross training with the NUS and Waseda High School (Not sure if spelling is rite XP). Ahaha, and we also finally got back to training at da hall (YES!! NO MORE SQUASH COURTS!!!) Anyways, training started with the basic warm up and stuff. Then we did kiri kaeshi, dobi gobi men and the likes. After that, we had a shiai between our guests schs and the japanese ppl showed they were no pushovers. Even if they lost a point, they took it back in a matter of seconds O_O

Ahaha, after we had ji keiko (sparring ^^) First I fought wif dis japanese girl. Her strength lies in her men cut, as she only attempted a few kote and if i'm not wrong, no do. Then after her, I fought dis NUS guy whose strength is also in his men cuts(and he also did koe and do). However, he likes to fake and also make people lose their centre (as in orientation is gone as he moves the shinai in a way u wont expect ppl to move it) And then, he goes for the kill. Lol, after that he taught me certain way to cut men and maybe, i'll try it.

After dis, i fought an NUS girl who is a sticker (as in she constantly stay close to me so it'll be hard for me to get a point) And whenever direction i go, she follows. Its like trying to get a leech out of ya. And then again, i'm training my hiki technique(hiki-men, hiki- kote, hiki do - they can only be used when ur close to ur opponent and instead of going forward when u cut, u go backwards) as my men is not dat good yet. So, yea. Manage to get a few points. Then, I fight wif another NUS guy who is so far the most aggresive among the lot. And for the last keiko, another NUS girl and hell is she good (espeacially her debanna men, smth xn likes to do). Also she's quite agile. Lol, after dat training ended. Shiok sia, see so many style of fighting. Ahaha, it has ended and now, i'll concentrate on tmr(actually today's) campfire

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Random Network Check (Being Tagged Again)


Name 20 ppl u can think of at the top of your head. Dun read the below questions before you write and tag 5 ppl to do this survey.

1) Saiful
4)Wan Yee
10)Senel (game char, is dis even legal XP)
11)Norma(game char)
17)Wei Hao
18) Peixian
20)Tian Peng

How did you meet 14?

(Nicholas) My junior in scouts. Therefore, in St. Andrew's Sec. Nice fellow

What would you do if you never met 1?

(Saiful) AHAHAHAHA! Dis guy! Guess my life wouldn't be a lot more interesting. Also known as 'The Fool' cos of 'ful' at the end of his name. Shankar came up with stories on how his name came about but i'll save it for next time XD

What would you do if 20 and 9 dated?

(Tian Peng and Jiaying) Interesting...tottemo omoshiroi desune. ehehehe...

Did you ever like 19?

(Mayguss) Of course I like. I like all my friends XP Fun girl to be with and a hell lot better at drawing than me X_X

Would 6 and 17 make a good couple?

(Nickolas and Wei Hao) Ewwwww...gross. Dat would be like so gay...

Describe 3

(Weiqi) One of my good friends in kendo. Fun guy to be with and a big fan of Ai Otsuka XD One of the best from our batch in kendo.

Do you think 8 is attractive?

(Darren) This question is SO wrong if the person is a guy. I dunno, go ask the girls.

Tell me something about 7

(Hazel) My 19 year old classmate who is one of the smartest in the class. A hardworking girl although she claims to be lazy (dunno which is true)

Do you know any of 12's family?

(Donna) Nope.

What's 8's favourite?

(Darren) Uh, playing the Naruto game on his PS2?

What would you do if 11 confesses that he/she likes you?

(Norma) Sadly, she's a game char from TOL. If she were real though, it'll be cool! Besides her looks, I kinda like her personality also XP

What language does 15 speak?

(Sherman) Hmm, alien? Lol, quite a number. English, Chinese, Malay(under construction), Japanese?

Who is 9 going out with?

(Jiaying) Currently, i dont think there's any1

How old is 16 now?

(Shankar) Same like me ya. 18 yrs.

When was the last time you talked to 13?

(Richard) Let me see, last week i guess

Who's 2 favourite band/singer?

(Yazid) He like so many band/singers that I'm not sure myself. Go check his mp3 for further enquiries.

Would you date 4?

(Wan Yee) She's attached I think

Would you date 7?

(Hazel) Hmm, I see her more of like my older sister.

Is 15 single?

(Sherman) Shermy eh, I haven't the slightest idea.

What's 10's last name?

(Senel) A game char from TOL as well. He is the main lead. His last name is Coolidge.

Would you ever be in a serious relationship with 11?

(Norma) If she were real, yea. I have no prob in having a relationship with her. But before dat, define serious relationship -_-"

What school does 3 go to?

(Weiqi) SIT

Where does 6 live?

(Nickolas) Hmm, in a house? Lol, I think safer I dont say.

Whats your favourite thing about 5?

(Aiyun) Hmm, i guess her kind personality

Have you seen no.1 naked?


And now, my favourite...

Tagged Victim:

1) Saiful
2) Nicholas
3) Mayguss
4) Wei Hao
5) Aiyun

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

ARGHHH!!! WE LOST! In the debating competiton that is. Bleah XP Hopefully, i didnt make a fool of myself @_@ Our team is more like pick here and there and suddenly thrown into the competition so its not really surprising if we lost. Ah hell... Da topics that we debated today were about the casino and legalising prostitution XD Really interesting topics...but we still lost XD At least now i feel like a huge weight have been lifted off my shoulders. Now must cocentrate on maths quiz. Heard it was easy XD

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

What human aspect fits your personality?

The Naiive
Take this quiz!

Hmm, I wonder...