Wednesday, June 07, 2006

DESARU - A place that has da best facilities around. A place where you will get possibly da best chicken rice ever in the entire world...NOT! Ahaha, cos we are at the ulu side of Desaru. Hmm, going back there brings back a lot of memories. Without further due, I present to you the highlights of the camp:

[Bus Ride 1] This is one hell of a ride I wont forget. Since I had school, I can only go to camp on the third day, the same day the cadets are going. So wif a few of us ventures (the rest are there on thurs), plus a scout and all da cadets, we headed to our destination. I thought i could u noe, catch some shut eye but i was dead wrong. The cadets were talking to us non-stop (like an i-pod dat only needs to recharge their battery for a min when the battery goes flat although this isn't really music to our ears) Anyways, it was quite entertaining and also sometimes interesting. I feel now the whole cadet unit noes me XD

[Stars] The sky was literally littered wif stars. I was like "WOW!" One can never see di many stars in S'pore

[Night Hike] I didnt really hike cos i'm supposed to be da 'kidnapper' What i remembere most about this is when i have to set off from the camp alone (wif my bag T_T). Since my torch is relatively useless, I have to depend on the moonlight to see. The most funny thing is dat it was so freaking dark that i couldnt find the trail leading from da camp to da road. So I keep walking back and forth until I found it @_@.

[Sunrise] Very Nice ^^

[Colours] Ahaha, I was part of the colours party. My job is to 'raise' the prep flag. We only decided who will be in and rehearsed it all the night b4 but i think we did a pretty decent job

[Breakfast] Nasi Lemak wif egg, cucumber, sambal, and 6 ikan bilis...

[Games] Lol, dis time, i went wif another village to play games. I pair up wif Weiting and in da grp there was Fabian, Ken, Ruthran, 'Cobra', 'Beckham' and some others. Lol, the beach games were fun and to me, it was like "FINALLY! THE SEA!" ahaha, the weather was hot so cooling off in the sea was ^^

[The Dreaded Storm] It started of wif a simple drizzle during outdoor cooking. Then it started to rain heavily but most of us thought it'll pass quickly so we continue cooking (for my grp, we were still trying to mantain the fire but it was useless as it got extinguished later in the most ridiculous way). Then, the storm came and it was impossible to stay outdoors so all of us ran back to the hanger to seek refuge. Then came the dreaded moment when we saw half of our tent (me, kerhan and alfred) in da air. We were like O_O and realised that our belongings were inside so we ran to the half-flooded tent to retrieve em. We though the situation was ok until we literally saw our tent almost blown away by the wind. Luckily, some of the leaders quickly rush there to strike down the tent b4 things got worse.

[Mini Campfire] The campfire was gr8 although it could be improved a lot (The program part and some other stuff). The combination of Liz, Sherwyn and Glenn as emcees was...interesting.

[Bus Ride 2] Dis time, its with the scouts. And they were practically high at dat time as they keep singing (changing all the lyrics to only two words "Very Good") and then later it was...O_O

To sum it all..."VERY GOOD"

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