Thursday, June 29, 2006

YES!! Da dreaded common tests is over! Lol, maths was a blast and then came Electronics Circuit Analysis which i took today. It was hell sitting through the paper X_X Only the first question was easy and the other 3 i did is like @_@ Bah, its over so no use crying over spilt milk. Just have to do better in the practical test and da exam.

Lol, after dat, went to play LAN wif Darren, ZC, Eric, Yazid, Richard and Saiful. First game we played is Jedi Knights or smth like dat. The game is pretty cool cept for the fact that i dropped in to the lava below a number of times =_=" Lol, after dat we played Battlefield and u can see a lot of things u wont see on a real battlefield XD

One things for sure, Eric is a dangerous person. I mean he was so happy he managed to get into a tank dat he did not see darren in front of him an run ova him -_-" Darren was killing the enemy soldiers one by one without getting hurt and then...he went to the heavans...Yazid (hiding at da first floor of dis building) was sniping a few bunch of soldiers abt 2-3m away when...BOOM! yes, the enemy soldiers die...and so did yazid. Reason was Eric saw the bunch of soldiers and shot em(YES! HE IS STILL IN THE BLOODY TANK) and since yazid was near, he got hit as well (instant death XD)

Ahaha, after dat played good ol' CS abt an hour of so. Hehe, havent play for so long but i think i did fairly well XP must go do Industrial design assignment but i dont even noe what to do.

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