Sunday, April 30, 2006

ARGHHHHHHH! MY FEET ARE SOOOO DYING! X_X Lol, VOP was kinda cool i guess. Hafta thank Emmeline, David C. and da rest who plan and run da event. Hmm, started of sat morning with kayaking. Here, most of us meet da V1's. Kayaking was great. Been a long time since i kayak. One of da best thing is lunch time. We ate lunch on kayaks and it was pretty interesting. Lol, other than that, we paddled to singapore river from kallang. Distance was pretty short so its not really tiring. After dat, head back to sch and did stuff and finally to da last event, overnight hike. Lol, hiking rocks. Been an even longer time since i last hike. When was it, i think in sec 3. We were seperated to two grps, with a mixture of V1's and V2's in each grp. The V1's in da grp i was great. They were not dat confident in reading the map to look for da checkpoint at first but as time passes, they got da hang of it after kenneth taught em at the first checkpoint. Lol, and they never once complain abt tiredness and stuff XP Hopefully, all 4 of em will stay. Ahaha, reach da final destination, Sentosa, at 6.00pm and made it in time for sunrise. All in all, i had a great time.

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