Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Its the second day of the camp. The first day we didnt really do much, in fact there wasn't any training at all. However we learn a few things including shinai mantainence and a need to have a sense of urgency (lol, scouts all over again XP) Slept quite late yesterday(in reality, today) but the sleep was way better than last year's camp. Today, woke up at 6, 'finish up' on our shinai and then proceed to wear our gi and hakama. Then training(more like warming up, just think of morning PT) starts and we did god noes how many cuts and some crazy ones like the one-legged suburi X_X After dat, a lot of us were shagged(and its only the first training in da camp) but hell. After breakfast we learnt some katas and stuff and now, waiting for the next training after we ate lunch...

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