Thursday, July 26, 2007

That's it! It's over! The one year of being the President of the club has officially ended as of Wednesday. All the best to our successor! Hopefully they can do a better job than us! =D Well, being in the committee ain't really a bad thing. Being the President has sorta opened my eyes to certain things. Learnt a lot this one year.

Can still remember a couple of days before my batch was appoined. Alison was like asking me what I would like to be...

Alison: So Nasu, what post do you like?
Alison: OK!!
Me: o_o?

In the end got chosen to be a candidate for president =.= Kinda cool with it, at least it wasn't logistics. Why am I so paticular about being a Logistics? Reason being I was one for about 4-5 years. When I was in Scouts in secondary school, I became the Quartermaster. That won't be the problem except for the fact that the previous two QM did absolutely nothing. Inventory was outdated, items weren't maintained and other stuff as well. I had to basically start from scratch by first taking out everything from the clubroom and storeroom, discarding the useless stuff, make a new inventory and place everything in proper order. Luckily, there were people to help me else I won't make it >.< After entering poly, I joined the Ventures and all voted me as a QM (yet again ~_~) When I go for Jamboree, I was also assigned as a QM *faints* That's why I'm so against being one in the kendo committee. Might as well try a different job~ Before I end, here are some things I would like to say to my commitee..maybe next time..Cheers~

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Presenting to you all...

Starting from the left, the girls: Ping Ting (Pantene), Cherlyn (Cherry), Xiangli (Shangri-La), Suhailah (Sue), Farhana (Nana), Joanne (GI-Joe) and Ke Xin (Cursing)

Starting from the right, the boys: Wilfred (Whatupman?), Jin Yi (Bunny), Tze Ann (Optimus Prime), Me (Turtle), Hanif (Honey) and Marcus (Markers)

Haha, the whole bunch of us from L:339 Great people to be with. Glad to have met you all =D If not for them, FYP might be a lil duller. Now, time to buck up and find a solution for my FYP before i'm really dead X_X Cheers~

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

East West Tourney -- This is the first time I'm participating in it. Missed last year's one caused of the windsurfing course. For this tourney, it is as the name implies, East vs West. Haha, I was in the west side. My team consist of Nagai (sempo), Gabriel (jiho), Me (chuken), Sachi (fukusho) and Joyce (Taisho). Although we lost at the quarterfinals, it's great to be your team members. Sorry I lost my match people. I wasn't a great chuken in the team >.< Nontheless, thanks for believing in me~

Lol, Nagai is freaking good la! Imagine an 11-year old winning ALL his matches 2-0 == Can learn a thing or two from him. Damn, my kendo is really very noobish right now. Confirmed it when I keiko with Jasmine and Wai Kay on Monday. The way I fight is also freaking...ugly...Need to do some tuning here and there.

Afer the tourney went to Cosfest with Ming Jia, Suresh and Jasmine. Saw a lot o familiar faces there. Speaking of familiar faces, OMG la! The Kate that Richard is referring to is the very same one in Kendo. Haha, what a small country Singapore is! Saw some good ones and some bad cosplays. The worst one was the guy who cosplayed as Haruhi. I was like "OMFG! X_X" My image of a haruhi has been destroyed by that idiot! T___T

The best haruhi cosplay for me is this girl from Japan.

No Singaporean has even come close to beating her as of yet! Whahahaha, pretty right? There you go~ Lol. Hmm, maybe should try cosplaying. MmmMmmmm..Cheers~

Thursday, July 12, 2007

I'm back! Muahahahaha! Another day at FYP as usual. My part of the project is kinda stagnant at the moment. Seems like no one here knows how to do it, not even the almighty Goldfish and Pcyborg >.< It's quite frustrating trying to solve that particular thing everyday and going back home empty-handed, knowing that tomorrow will be the same old thing again if nothing is accomplished. Haven't been watching anime nor playing games lately as I just can't seem to find the mood. Crud, at least Xiangli has finished her end of the deal T_T Have to really chiong now since its already like end of Week 7. There's always a way~

Seems like everyone is not feeling well one way or another these past few days. Went for training on Monday although I ain't feeling that well. Truly sorry if I make you people worry >.< (Thanks for the whole bunch of panadol Duck =P)Trainings hadn't been that bad either. Haha, East West is coming soon! This will be the first one i'm participating in as I missed last year's one due to windsurfing =P Heard it was rather fun =D Hmm, will prolly update more at home later or something. Cheers~

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Presentation was on Tuesday. It didn't go as well. What the Course Manager ask some of us to do is like quite different from what our Supervisors. For example, my supervisor told me to jump straight into programming but the CM want us to say, design the thing first then do the programming. The way he commented to us is also somtimes very =_= Diao~ Haha, at least its over. Another 6 weeks before the main presentation. The presentation is more like telling them what we did and stuff for the past 6 weeks. After the whole ordeal, all of us have didn't have the mood to do any work.

Yesterday was just any ordinary day at FYP. Except for the fact that one of my firends might be gay =/ No, i'm not the target. Apparently out of nowhere, he is suddenly good friends with a guy called Angel. Yes, a GUY called Angel. Haven't seen these Angel fella yet but those who have were like totally freaked out. Haha, also met Zili and co. and in the library. I stayed there to talk awhile since it was my break and I think the noise we make were above the acceptable standard. Oh well~ =/

Played badminton and volleyball with some of my mates yesterday. There were a more people this time round and it was kinda chaotic. Especially volleyball. The ball keep flying towards the wushu people >.< It was like freaking paiseh la. Lol, that's not the worst. The worst was when of them them tried to hit the ball and it rocketted to the ceiling instead, causing of the tiles to drop XD We were like "OMG!!" ._. Lol, badminton was ridiculously funny. The way some of us played was not what an ordinary badminton player would do. There was a fencing stance, a 'pochong' stance, header and whack stance and a lot more. Lol, after that, it home sweet home =P Until then. Cheers~

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Had a casual barbecue on Saturday. Quite ok I guess. Get to know the juniors more also. Highlight for me was rollerblading. Finally learn how to rollerblade! Whahahahaha! Thanks to Zili and Eunice for guiding me. Also thanks to Alwin who patiently waited for me as i was going at a very slow pace and Kian Chew who helped me back while getting headlocks XD Not to forget Alina and Jun Jie =D Waaaa, and sorry Eunice if I injure you one way or another >.< Lol, so don't complain Kian Chew, you only received headlocks.

By the way, Shili, I am sooo not gonna taste that drink of yours la! Disgusting sia~ Lol. Best part is when going home (No, not the burning eggplant) Kian Chew ask me and Eunice if we wanna 'tompang' his car to the MRT. We were quite cool with it since he say the car could fit 5 more passengers. So i invited Zili, Bin Wei and Luke along. Walked quite a distance to the carpark and when I saw the car, I was like o_o Haha, in the end can't fit all of us into it so Eunice, Luke and I went to share a cab home. Lol, but Kian Chew's car is cool la! Open air~ Next time must try =P

Had napfa test yesterday. I FINALLY PAST MY 2.4km LA! whahahhahaha. In the end, get a bronze. Good enough for now lol, at least there's an improvement =P Although my pull-ups and sit and reach were horrible T__T After napfa went for Kendo training. Faint sia! Tiring but good nontheless. Taking off men after training is like taking off freshly bake buns from the oven! Baked eggplant~ Then went to S11 to eat with the few of us and go home thereafter. Now my whole body feeling kinda weird. There's presentation in the morning so I guess I'll hit the sack now. Cheers~