Thursday, July 19, 2007

Presenting to you all...

Starting from the left, the girls: Ping Ting (Pantene), Cherlyn (Cherry), Xiangli (Shangri-La), Suhailah (Sue), Farhana (Nana), Joanne (GI-Joe) and Ke Xin (Cursing)

Starting from the right, the boys: Wilfred (Whatupman?), Jin Yi (Bunny), Tze Ann (Optimus Prime), Me (Turtle), Hanif (Honey) and Marcus (Markers)

Haha, the whole bunch of us from L:339 Great people to be with. Glad to have met you all =D If not for them, FYP might be a lil duller. Now, time to buck up and find a solution for my FYP before i'm really dead X_X Cheers~

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