Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Had a casual barbecue on Saturday. Quite ok I guess. Get to know the juniors more also. Highlight for me was rollerblading. Finally learn how to rollerblade! Whahahahaha! Thanks to Zili and Eunice for guiding me. Also thanks to Alwin who patiently waited for me as i was going at a very slow pace and Kian Chew who helped me back while getting headlocks XD Not to forget Alina and Jun Jie =D Waaaa, and sorry Eunice if I injure you one way or another >.< Lol, so don't complain Kian Chew, you only received headlocks.

By the way, Shili, I am sooo not gonna taste that drink of yours la! Disgusting sia~ Lol. Best part is when going home (No, not the burning eggplant) Kian Chew ask me and Eunice if we wanna 'tompang' his car to the MRT. We were quite cool with it since he say the car could fit 5 more passengers. So i invited Zili, Bin Wei and Luke along. Walked quite a distance to the carpark and when I saw the car, I was like o_o Haha, in the end can't fit all of us into it so Eunice, Luke and I went to share a cab home. Lol, but Kian Chew's car is cool la! Open air~ Next time must try =P

Had napfa test yesterday. I FINALLY PAST MY 2.4km LA! whahahhahaha. In the end, get a bronze. Good enough for now lol, at least there's an improvement =P Although my pull-ups and sit and reach were horrible T__T After napfa went for Kendo training. Faint sia! Tiring but good nontheless. Taking off men after training is like taking off freshly bake buns from the oven! Baked eggplant~ Then went to S11 to eat with the few of us and go home thereafter. Now my whole body feeling kinda weird. There's presentation in the morning so I guess I'll hit the sack now. Cheers~

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