Thursday, July 26, 2007

That's it! It's over! The one year of being the President of the club has officially ended as of Wednesday. All the best to our successor! Hopefully they can do a better job than us! =D Well, being in the committee ain't really a bad thing. Being the President has sorta opened my eyes to certain things. Learnt a lot this one year.

Can still remember a couple of days before my batch was appoined. Alison was like asking me what I would like to be...

Alison: So Nasu, what post do you like?
Alison: OK!!
Me: o_o?

In the end got chosen to be a candidate for president =.= Kinda cool with it, at least it wasn't logistics. Why am I so paticular about being a Logistics? Reason being I was one for about 4-5 years. When I was in Scouts in secondary school, I became the Quartermaster. That won't be the problem except for the fact that the previous two QM did absolutely nothing. Inventory was outdated, items weren't maintained and other stuff as well. I had to basically start from scratch by first taking out everything from the clubroom and storeroom, discarding the useless stuff, make a new inventory and place everything in proper order. Luckily, there were people to help me else I won't make it >.< After entering poly, I joined the Ventures and all voted me as a QM (yet again ~_~) When I go for Jamboree, I was also assigned as a QM *faints* That's why I'm so against being one in the kendo committee. Might as well try a different job~ Before I end, here are some things I would like to say to my commitee..maybe next time..Cheers~

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