Tuesday, July 17, 2007

East West Tourney -- This is the first time I'm participating in it. Missed last year's one caused of the windsurfing course. For this tourney, it is as the name implies, East vs West. Haha, I was in the west side. My team consist of Nagai (sempo), Gabriel (jiho), Me (chuken), Sachi (fukusho) and Joyce (Taisho). Although we lost at the quarterfinals, it's great to be your team members. Sorry I lost my match people. I wasn't a great chuken in the team >.< Nontheless, thanks for believing in me~

Lol, Nagai is freaking good la! Imagine an 11-year old winning ALL his matches 2-0 == Can learn a thing or two from him. Damn, my kendo is really very noobish right now. Confirmed it when I keiko with Jasmine and Wai Kay on Monday. The way I fight is also freaking...ugly...Need to do some tuning here and there.

Afer the tourney went to Cosfest with Ming Jia, Suresh and Jasmine. Saw a lot o familiar faces there. Speaking of familiar faces, OMG la! The Kate that Richard is referring to is the very same one in Kendo. Haha, what a small country Singapore is! Saw some good ones and some bad cosplays. The worst one was the guy who cosplayed as Haruhi. I was like "OMFG! X_X" My image of a haruhi has been destroyed by that idiot! T___T

The best haruhi cosplay for me is this girl from Japan.

No Singaporean has even come close to beating her as of yet! Whahahaha, pretty right? There you go~ Lol. Hmm, maybe should try cosplaying. MmmMmmmm..Cheers~

1 comment:

Bree said...

Oh my god! She's hot!!! Maner aje dier jumpe tu...! :)