Monday, December 10, 2007

I have moved to wordpress! So update ya links to This blogger will remain here for old times sake. Till then~

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I forgot which website I took this pic from. Remember the days when you would stand in front of the fan and marvel at all the different weird sounds you're able to make. You would be able to entertain yourself, even with the simplest things. However, as we are growing, the things it takes to entertain or satisfy us increased. People tend to be dissatisfied, even after getting what they want. Even sourcing out for entertainment proves to be difficult for them. What do you people think?

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Lets101 Quizzes - Quizzes for Fun

Just a random post. Hmm, I'm thinking of moving my blog to wordpress. Guess I'll give it a try.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Bubur Pulut Hitam

The picture above doesn't really show that the dessert is appetizing does it? That's the best picture I can find thus far. Bubur Pulut Hitam, otherwise known as Black glutinous rice porridge, is one of the many desserts found commonly in Malaysia (although it has become quite common in Singapore as well). It is cooked with sago and served hot with santan (coconut milk).

What really appalled me was the reaction I received when I bought this dessert in Koufu the other day. Three of my classmates were staring at me when I brought the dessert to the table. Three of them, not one! The way they stared is as though i was bringing deep fried naked mole rats to the table. Even a fourth classmate, who knows about the existence of the dessert exclaimed to me "Eh Nasu, you also know about pulut hitam arh?" Thus, I was wondering...

Do all of you know what pulut hitam is? Reason being I see a lot of dessert shops selling them and its quite awkward not to notice their existence. However, a more appropriate question would be: Have any of you ate pulut hitam before?

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The movie is based on the events occurred in all 3 .hack//G.U games. It has been scheduled to be released in Japan on January 25th, 2008.

.hack// G.U. is actually the prologue of the anime series, .hack//Roots. The story is situated in an mmorpg called "The World R:2". So, what happen to the original one "The World"?

Well, a fire in the main C.C Corp. (the company that created "The World") building resulted in massive loss of data, forcing the company to shut down "The World". By splicing in data from what would have been another game, CC Corp. was able to rebuild the game system. "The World R:2" was promptly created the following year.

However, many veteran players objected the move because they can't transfer their character data over (imagine getting a high level character after so long and suddenly, you have to restart from level 1. It's a pain in the butt, I know) Nonetheless, many new players join the game. Furthermore, as a result of the new world, 4 major clans came into power.

.hack//G.U revolves around Haseo and his quest to seek revenge against Tri-Edge, who had PKed his close friend, Shino, and also other players. The problem is when you get PKed by Tri-Edge, your real self will enter into coma. Due to his thirst for revenge, he started hunting down PKers and won't stop till he met Tri-Edge. As a result, he emerged as a powerful PKKer known as the "Terror of Death". When he finally encounters Tri-Edge...

I'll not spoilt for you people! Go play the game or something =P On a serious note, the game is really worth the time playing. Graphics and music are good, not to mention the amazing storyline. At the very least you can watch the anime .hack//Roots before playing the game if you're afraid you can't follow the storyline. If you're too lazy to play the game, just wait for the movie then. It looks real promising! Here's the trailer for the movie, although the high definition quality of the movie cant be seen here cos it's...YouTube =P Sound might be a little soft for the video

Monday, November 12, 2007

The past week has been a blast! Where should I start hmm..? Guess I'll do it in chronological order starting from the latest.

Lim Kwa Chee Memorial Tournament 2007 - Finally...after two and a half years...I managed to proce
ed through the first round in the individuals T___T Wait! Wait! Let me savor the moment *10 sec pause* That should be enough for now =S Furthermore, i manage to get bronze! My first medal in my life! OMG!!!! *an hour pause* (Ok, i might be overreacting here but what the heck! =DDD)

Everyone did well, including the year 1's. Even though it's their first tourney, they actually managed to put up a good fight. A good job to all of you!

Hmm, don't think I'll put up how my matches went in this post. Maybe next time when i ain't lazy. Note the word maybe =P Thanks to all those who encouraged me. Especially those from my batch =)


Ladies Jr
1 - Jasmine
2 - Selina
3 - Claire and Yick Siew

Men Jr
1 - Wai Kay
2 - Gabriel
3 - Me and Morioka

Ladies Sr
1 - Joyce

2 - I have no idea
3 - Yuyan and somebody

Men Sr
1 - Suresh
2 - Nishida Sensei
3 - Hmm, cannot remember also

Saber Plushie - Isn't she the most adorable thing!? The plushie shown is not exactly similar to the one i bought but its 90% close XD Bought it from the Comics Connection clearance sale which is still ongoing in the SBM block.

Don't ask why I bought it. I even bought an elephant plushie from Thailand =/ Lol, although this saber plushie is most prolly an imitation (Seeing how i'm able to buy it for 5 bucks when outside, its selling with an even higher pricing) Then again, it's a clearance sale =/

Now it's sitting happily on the bed =D

Not forgetting - A happy belated Deepavali to all my Indian friends. During Deepavali, went LAN gaming with my course mates to play Battlefield and as usual, there were a number of funny scenes. After that went to walk around at Sunshine Plaza and Sim Lim. Thereafter, I went on to a Deepavali dinner whereas my friends went back home. Sorry to those people who waited for like half an hour for me. Gomen gomen! The food was kinda good though =D

Comm skills presentation last Tuesday wasn't too bad also. Lucky my group mates are good else..*faints* I think we did fairly well. Crud, have been having a cold since yesterday night. Its always like this after tourney or camp where my body will be feeling absolutely drained. Fatigue perhaps. Oh well, what to do. Guess I'll go start on my assignments now. Cheers~

Friday, November 02, 2007

Thursday, October 25, 2007

I was browsing through a cosplay section in a forum when i came across this guy. By clicking the button below, you're entirely liable for your own actions. Sean won't be held responsible for sudden giddyness, loss of appetite, diarrhoea of the mouth or anything similar as the ones stated

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

OMFG right?!?! Still not enough?!

Bloody hell...Crud...

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

No, you're not sleeping nor are you in hell. Sheesh...cross-dressers...and I thought the Lacus cross-dressers and the haruhi one (saw 'her' in cosfest a few months back) was bad =/ There goes my image for Black Rose and Cardcaptor Sakura ~_~

At least the last one is a clean one. No, i'm not joking! I'm serious! Just click! Wanna know why some hot girls venture to the Dark side? =D

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Good job mate!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Haven't seen Cheryl for a long time and now her drawings have improved a lot! o_o Not surprising after going through Design course for almost 3 years. Still, her sketches are way cool. She post up few (literally) of her drawings on her deviantart. Too bad doesnt have her sketches included. Her link is under the kendo section. The anime this season ain't that bad at all. One of them is:

Bamboo Blade

I came across this anime by chance in crunchyroll. Saw the word 'kendo' in the description so i thought i might give it a try since i took up kendo =P Basically, the anime is as follow. A high school kendo teacher, Toraji Ishida, met up with his senior (who is also a kendo teacher). They decided to make a bet: If Ishida manages to assemble a girl's team that can defeat his senior's girls' team, Ishida will be entitled to eat at his senior's dad's restaurant for a whole year for free. Seeing how poor Ishida is, it is not surprising that he took up the challenge. Thing is, he has only one regular member in the club now =/

The anime is pretty cool i guess. There's bits of comedy here and there to keep you entertained as well. It won't hurt to try aye =D

Episode 1

Episode 2

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Back to school...The past week has been a blast! Flew off to Thailand, Bangkok, for the 8th ASEAN Kendo Tournament. The tournament was a real eye-opener. Doesn't matter if we win or lose, I'm sure everyone learn something when they're there. We have been training for this tourney for months, so good job to all of you, especially those who won! Let's train hard for the next one ya? I'll write more when i'm not lazy =P

Monday, October 08, 2007

Fancy falling sick on the first day of school. I was like literally trying to stay awake throughout the whole day. Slept whenever I had a chance =/ Well, here it is. Week 0 of school (This is the first time i see a week 0 ) Reason for cutting our holidays is cause the school wanted us to graduate earlier so we could find jobs or a place for uni faster. Thing is, my course is male-dominated and most of us are heading to NS after we graduate so its pretty useless in my opinion (although some might benefit from it) Haha, no use brooding over it. Holidays are over and school has started so its time to finish up the final lap of my poly life. Am gonna sleep now I guess. Cheers~

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Bleach - Memories of Nobody

There is a movie for Bleach o_o Omg, I'm like super outdated sia. I was practically stunned when I saw the movie uploaded in crunchyroll. Can't blame my ignorance though. 'Stopped' watching Bleach for at least a year. Last episode seen that time was episode 65 i think, when Ichigo managed to saved Rukia.

The movie made its debut on 16th of December 2006 in Japan, although the subbed version was released recently. So for those who waited like months for the subbed version, kinda pity them a lil =P So back to the movie. Plot summary taken from animenewsnetwork.

In Karakura Town, there has been a sudden outbreak of unidentifiable spirits called "blanks" (vacant souls) while in the skies of Soul Society, the real world has been reflected. A mysterious female shinigami called Senna has appeared before Ichigo along with a man named Ganryu, leading a group called the "Dark Ones".

Although the plot is as such, its still based on the hero meets girl, girl gets kidnapped by baddies, hero saves girl kind of thing. Therefore, some might find it a little cliched but to hell with that, I give this movie a two thumbs up, three as a matter of fact (IF i have three) The movie basically revolves around young Senna *points* Not bad for a heroine I must say. Carefree, a little feisty at times, she makes her debut in the movie with style. I must say, I prefer her to be match up with Ichigo though, rather than Rukia or Orihime. ( a lot of people are gonna scream at me for this comment)

Well, in short, its a movie worth watching. A bittersweet story for Senna. The ending song is kinda nice. Sung by Aqua Timez, its titled 'Sen no Yoru wo Koete' It somehow matches the mood at the end of the movie. Oh yea, and make sure to watch it all the way till the end. Some people simply wrapped up when the credits start rolling in =/

Last but not leat, here's the preview of the movie shown in the opening of the anime. Well, a lot of you who have followed the anime series will have seen it but it wouldnt hurt to put it up I guess. Lol, and ironically, the first time I saw a bleach opening after a long break was this opening which makes me think that Senna was a new female lead in the anime =/ That's all for now I guess. Cheers~

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Eggplant: Konbanwa minna!! =D Ogenki desuka? Haha, sorry for the lack of updates.

Visitors: Hell yea! It's about time!

Eggplant: Lol, due to the millions and millions of fans out there, I will crawl out of the ground and update my blog =)


Eggplant: *ahem* I take that silence as a compliment (ungrateful brats, not even a thank you)

Visitor A: Hey, this so called vegetable is mocking us!

Eggplant: I did not!

Visitor A: Yes, you did!

Eggplant: HAH! What are you? Psychic?! Don't make me laugh (This idiot's a psycho!)

Visitor A: Well, as a matter of fact, yes. However, I'm no psycho you @#()&^^$@%^#!

Visitors: *mutters*

Eggplantt: Hey! Hey! Don't listen to this fella! I want Security!

Security Guards: What can we do for you sir!

Eggplant: Take him away! (Man, I love this job =D)

Security Guards : Yes sir!

Visitor A: NO! NO! He's the one you want! Not me! Noooooooooooo!

Eggplant: (Good riddance ~_~) Ok, back to blogging XP

Sorry, if the top part is lame or anything, just have the sudden urge to write that =P. It's been three weeks since the start of the holidays. Hmm, what have I done so far. For the first week, slept, eat, slept, play RO, slept, msn, slept...alright, I have been pratically asleep for the first week ~_~

Well, I've also went to two recruitment agencies and have a job now. Work is pretty simple to understand. Just need to sort out the components. People there are friendly as well. Thing is, it is located near Boon Lay MRT and thus, I have to wake up early (there goes my beauty sleep ~_~) Not that bad lol, MK is also =D Oh yea, work has also been extended till next week which means...more cash $_$ Not forgetting fasting starts next week ~_~ Ah, too sleepy! Lol, shall update more somewhere this week. Cheers~

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

FYP final presentation is finally OVER!!! At long last, the good 'ol holidays! T___T However, before that, still have to complete my AES which i haven't even touched! =D For now, let's forget about the presentation =P Got tagged by shili ~_~ Here goes.

RULES OF THE GAME:Each player of the game starts off with ten weird things or habits or known facts abt yourself. People who get tagged must write it in a blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you must choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs !

(Of all the questions... ~_~)

1) Too many nicknames since primary school and hell no am i not putting them up here!

2) I can spend time just stoning and staring at the computer screen, sometimes to the extent of falling asleep =D

(OMG, can't think! Am sooo gonna kill shili for this!)

3) Likes.....Pokemon! Gotta catch them all! LOL!

4)Still using the handphone from secondary school, which might enter into coma state anytime~

5) Jack of all trades but a master of none. Ok, not all trades but the situation I'm in is kinda similar

6)Took JLPT 4. Was like guessing close to half of the questions and in the end I passed! Thank god~

(crud, i'm hungry...)

7) I know! Always feel hungry! Nyahahahhaha~

8) Burps randomly. For some reason, in kendo, Selina will always be somewhere near when I burp and she'll go like "Nasuuuu!!!!!" Talk about timing! LOL

9)Eats hotdogs (South canteen) most of the time in the morning during FYP. Then will pay a visit to the library for their hot dog in the afternoon, only sometimes =D

10) Most of the times need to have a lil snooze during the day~

Finally, it ends ~_~ Haha, now to tag 6 people. Since, FYP is ending. I'll give them a lil treat =D

2)Tze Ann

Actually, I'm too lazy to think of anyone =P Guess I'll hit the sack now. Cheers~

Monday, August 13, 2007

Updated the links people so no complains aye =P Do check out the cosplayers section. Cheers~

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Create your own Friend Test here
Second test! Haha, nothing better to do. This one is based on randomness. Might give the answers to the first one next time. Cheers~

Saturday, August 04, 2007

It's been quite a hectic friday. Celebrated two ppl's birthday, Yiwen and Farhana. Lol, Farhana's birthday is on Saturday so we had an early birthday party for her. Yiwen's already got her 'present' on Monday during training. Whahahaha~

Anyways, here are the pics for Farhana's Birthday. Stole them from Sue's blog. =P First, presenting the birthday girl, Farhana!

Haha, she was like "HOLY SHEET!" when the cake arrived. I think she knew there was a surprise party but maybe didn't expect the cake to be brought in the lab. Well, we weren't suppose to eat inside anyway =P

The chocalatey goodness~ Bought this cake from Secret Recipe. This cake is pratically rich in chocolate. So rich that one slice is enough to make you full ~_~

Eating the cake, chit chatting and doing random stuff in the lab. We're like breaking the rules openly lol! People in the next lab must be wondering what the hell we're doing.

Formal shot of L339. Crud, Hanif's not inside cause he ain't feeling well and didn't come to school. Well, here are the rest of us then~

Informal shot 1. Crazy bunch of people I tell you

Informal Shot 2. Wilfred actually fell off his chair but I'm kind enough not to put that photo in aye =P So Wil, you owe me one. Keke!

That's about it I guess. Happy Belated Birthday to Yiwen and Happy Birthday to Farhana once again. One more year older aye =D Crud, lookie here. It's late! Guess I'll hit the sacks now. Cheers~

Thursday, July 26, 2007

That's it! It's over! The one year of being the President of the club has officially ended as of Wednesday. All the best to our successor! Hopefully they can do a better job than us! =D Well, being in the committee ain't really a bad thing. Being the President has sorta opened my eyes to certain things. Learnt a lot this one year.

Can still remember a couple of days before my batch was appoined. Alison was like asking me what I would like to be...

Alison: So Nasu, what post do you like?
Alison: OK!!
Me: o_o?

In the end got chosen to be a candidate for president =.= Kinda cool with it, at least it wasn't logistics. Why am I so paticular about being a Logistics? Reason being I was one for about 4-5 years. When I was in Scouts in secondary school, I became the Quartermaster. That won't be the problem except for the fact that the previous two QM did absolutely nothing. Inventory was outdated, items weren't maintained and other stuff as well. I had to basically start from scratch by first taking out everything from the clubroom and storeroom, discarding the useless stuff, make a new inventory and place everything in proper order. Luckily, there were people to help me else I won't make it >.< After entering poly, I joined the Ventures and all voted me as a QM (yet again ~_~) When I go for Jamboree, I was also assigned as a QM *faints* That's why I'm so against being one in the kendo committee. Might as well try a different job~ Before I end, here are some things I would like to say to my commitee..maybe next time..Cheers~

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Presenting to you all...

Starting from the left, the girls: Ping Ting (Pantene), Cherlyn (Cherry), Xiangli (Shangri-La), Suhailah (Sue), Farhana (Nana), Joanne (GI-Joe) and Ke Xin (Cursing)

Starting from the right, the boys: Wilfred (Whatupman?), Jin Yi (Bunny), Tze Ann (Optimus Prime), Me (Turtle), Hanif (Honey) and Marcus (Markers)

Haha, the whole bunch of us from L:339 Great people to be with. Glad to have met you all =D If not for them, FYP might be a lil duller. Now, time to buck up and find a solution for my FYP before i'm really dead X_X Cheers~

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

East West Tourney -- This is the first time I'm participating in it. Missed last year's one caused of the windsurfing course. For this tourney, it is as the name implies, East vs West. Haha, I was in the west side. My team consist of Nagai (sempo), Gabriel (jiho), Me (chuken), Sachi (fukusho) and Joyce (Taisho). Although we lost at the quarterfinals, it's great to be your team members. Sorry I lost my match people. I wasn't a great chuken in the team >.< Nontheless, thanks for believing in me~

Lol, Nagai is freaking good la! Imagine an 11-year old winning ALL his matches 2-0 == Can learn a thing or two from him. Damn, my kendo is really very noobish right now. Confirmed it when I keiko with Jasmine and Wai Kay on Monday. The way I fight is also freaking...ugly...Need to do some tuning here and there.

Afer the tourney went to Cosfest with Ming Jia, Suresh and Jasmine. Saw a lot o familiar faces there. Speaking of familiar faces, OMG la! The Kate that Richard is referring to is the very same one in Kendo. Haha, what a small country Singapore is! Saw some good ones and some bad cosplays. The worst one was the guy who cosplayed as Haruhi. I was like "OMFG! X_X" My image of a haruhi has been destroyed by that idiot! T___T

The best haruhi cosplay for me is this girl from Japan.

No Singaporean has even come close to beating her as of yet! Whahahaha, pretty right? There you go~ Lol. Hmm, maybe should try cosplaying. MmmMmmmm..Cheers~

Thursday, July 12, 2007

I'm back! Muahahahaha! Another day at FYP as usual. My part of the project is kinda stagnant at the moment. Seems like no one here knows how to do it, not even the almighty Goldfish and Pcyborg >.< It's quite frustrating trying to solve that particular thing everyday and going back home empty-handed, knowing that tomorrow will be the same old thing again if nothing is accomplished. Haven't been watching anime nor playing games lately as I just can't seem to find the mood. Crud, at least Xiangli has finished her end of the deal T_T Have to really chiong now since its already like end of Week 7. There's always a way~

Seems like everyone is not feeling well one way or another these past few days. Went for training on Monday although I ain't feeling that well. Truly sorry if I make you people worry >.< (Thanks for the whole bunch of panadol Duck =P)Trainings hadn't been that bad either. Haha, East West is coming soon! This will be the first one i'm participating in as I missed last year's one due to windsurfing =P Heard it was rather fun =D Hmm, will prolly update more at home later or something. Cheers~

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Presentation was on Tuesday. It didn't go as well. What the Course Manager ask some of us to do is like quite different from what our Supervisors. For example, my supervisor told me to jump straight into programming but the CM want us to say, design the thing first then do the programming. The way he commented to us is also somtimes very =_= Diao~ Haha, at least its over. Another 6 weeks before the main presentation. The presentation is more like telling them what we did and stuff for the past 6 weeks. After the whole ordeal, all of us have didn't have the mood to do any work.

Yesterday was just any ordinary day at FYP. Except for the fact that one of my firends might be gay =/ No, i'm not the target. Apparently out of nowhere, he is suddenly good friends with a guy called Angel. Yes, a GUY called Angel. Haven't seen these Angel fella yet but those who have were like totally freaked out. Haha, also met Zili and co. and in the library. I stayed there to talk awhile since it was my break and I think the noise we make were above the acceptable standard. Oh well~ =/

Played badminton and volleyball with some of my mates yesterday. There were a more people this time round and it was kinda chaotic. Especially volleyball. The ball keep flying towards the wushu people >.< It was like freaking paiseh la. Lol, that's not the worst. The worst was when of them them tried to hit the ball and it rocketted to the ceiling instead, causing of the tiles to drop XD We were like "OMG!!" ._. Lol, badminton was ridiculously funny. The way some of us played was not what an ordinary badminton player would do. There was a fencing stance, a 'pochong' stance, header and whack stance and a lot more. Lol, after that, it home sweet home =P Until then. Cheers~

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Had a casual barbecue on Saturday. Quite ok I guess. Get to know the juniors more also. Highlight for me was rollerblading. Finally learn how to rollerblade! Whahahahaha! Thanks to Zili and Eunice for guiding me. Also thanks to Alwin who patiently waited for me as i was going at a very slow pace and Kian Chew who helped me back while getting headlocks XD Not to forget Alina and Jun Jie =D Waaaa, and sorry Eunice if I injure you one way or another >.< Lol, so don't complain Kian Chew, you only received headlocks.

By the way, Shili, I am sooo not gonna taste that drink of yours la! Disgusting sia~ Lol. Best part is when going home (No, not the burning eggplant) Kian Chew ask me and Eunice if we wanna 'tompang' his car to the MRT. We were quite cool with it since he say the car could fit 5 more passengers. So i invited Zili, Bin Wei and Luke along. Walked quite a distance to the carpark and when I saw the car, I was like o_o Haha, in the end can't fit all of us into it so Eunice, Luke and I went to share a cab home. Lol, but Kian Chew's car is cool la! Open air~ Next time must try =P

Had napfa test yesterday. I FINALLY PAST MY 2.4km LA! whahahhahaha. In the end, get a bronze. Good enough for now lol, at least there's an improvement =P Although my pull-ups and sit and reach were horrible T__T After napfa went for Kendo training. Faint sia! Tiring but good nontheless. Taking off men after training is like taking off freshly bake buns from the oven! Baked eggplant~ Then went to S11 to eat with the few of us and go home thereafter. Now my whole body feeling kinda weird. There's presentation in the morning so I guess I'll hit the sack now. Cheers~

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Weee~ Managed to catch Transformers yesterday! Sorry for not attending training people >.< My class don't really have time to get together XD Sorry again! Lol. Overall, the show rocks! Especially the fighting scenes! Haha, I have no idea what the storyline would be like as I rarely watch the cartoons when it was aired. That time, I was a real Teenage Ninja Turtle fanatic that I wore things related to TMNT from head to toe. Hmm, I still have the picture somewhere...Lol, back to Transformers. Graphics wise, it kicks ass! Although a few of them were seen in "Pimp My Ride" and received a makeover =P Like I said, I did not really watch the cartoons and only noticable one is Optimus Prime. For some reason, his truck wasn't dragging a container (if i remember correctly, should be dragging one) Nontheless, this movie is great if you like action-packed ones. Also, as stated in the newspapers, the movie will be loud...very LOUD.

Some of the FYP students went to the NEWater plant the day before. That time during the briefing one of the lecturer jokingly shouted at another one "The bus better have aircon or else I won't go!" The other lecturer replied " Have have, don't worry" So, when the bus arrived, it looks normal....except for the fact that the aircon was off! == We're like literally baked inside the bus! Don't know how much they pay the uncle == Lol. The plant itself was pretty much the same as when i visited it during secondary school. Might have a few minor changes but no major ones. A lot of us don't really have the phobia to drink NEWater like when it first came out and there were jokes like "Hey, your drinking my pee!" == Lol. Cheers~

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Ahhh, next week presentation! Still have a hell lot of stuff to do >.< Chiong arh!! Lols~ Played badminton with Hanif and gang yesterday. I'm like soooo very rusty la! Last time I played was in primary school I think. Hahahahahaha. Now, here's a vid for ya'll to see.


Monday, June 25, 2007

Woah...head's feeling really laggish right now. Hands still aching now due to napfa training last thursday and kendo on the two consecutive days after but no pain no gain as they always say =D Later there will be another napfa training! Whahahaha...

Lol, started watching D.Gray-man and also continued watching Bleach from where I last saw it which was around 1-2 years ago. Will post the reviews and stuff next time =P Now, for randomness. Here's the pic of the day! Cheers~

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I was under some kind of sleeping spell yesterday. Practically slept the whole day except for kendo and napfa training. Napfa training wasn't as insane as the last one I went to as we only did 2.4km run, standing broad jumps, shuttle run and pull-ups. Thereafter, went for kendo training. Training was not as tiring as we are now revising our basics. Keke, and the juniors finally get a taste of sonkyo men. More to come aye~ LOL, Wai kay and I had to do 200 hayasuburis after training yesterday and we officially X_X Haha, now for some randomness~ Received this pics from a chain mail. should I put this...interesting? Lol, enjoy~

Damn, got 3 more...haha, will put it up when I'm at home.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Kendo Grading

Sup ya'all?! Haha, had grading earlier today. Wasn't too bad i guess. At least jump from 6th to 4th kyu. Still got a lot of things to cover sia~ My footwork, hand leg coordination and some other stuff.
Lol, gratz to those who did well. For those who didn't, let's all train hard for the next grading ya! Cheers~

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

LOL! My second post for today! Basket, got the MJD (Mad Josh Disease) from Shili aka B1 == B1 just created a polyclinic not too long ago! Free emcees for everyone! As for me, I've opened a...

PRATA SHOP. Hell yeah!! Whahaha, comes with a free teh tarik if you but the combo meal! Lol, not too mentioned its air-conditioned. Our personal favourite is....THE EGGPLANT PRATA! YES, YOU HEARD IT RIGHT! Although the eggplant prata is still in the experiment stage, we do receive good feedbacks from the customers. There were a few cases of stomach ache but hey! No worries! Cause B1's clinic is right beside our cozy little restaurant. For more details on her polyclinic, do visit (Eggplant won't be held liable if you turn into 'Bananas in Pyjamas' when taking the medicine)

Here's a namecard for you people!

Haha, do visit yea? Cheers~

Rear View Mirror
"A famous french author once said that life is like driving a car up the highway.... when you drive too slow, everyone will jeer at you.... horn you from behind.. get in front of you and try to win you.... everyone wants to overtake a slow car...

But when you drive too fast.... and ahead of everyone else you will be lonely..... you drive so fast that you will miss out on alot of beautiful sceneries.. a lot of beautiful things in life.....the things that you really want to do in life...

We can often only look into our rear mirror to see the things that we missed out .. only to notice that the more we move foward... the further those things will be..."

[Extracted this from a story Xiangli passed to me]

Sunday, June 10, 2007

LOL, this vid kicks ass =D (Warning: Eggplant won't be held liable for any physical or mental damage that strucked you while seeing these Gundams in action) Kekekekeke....

Friday, June 08, 2007

Speaking of Dolphins in Yixin's blog, came across this erm...weird picture

While googling for dumplings, now..if only this is edible =D

Sunday, June 03, 2007

FYP, NAPFA and Nationals Tournament

Hey, hey hey! Sup ya'all. Haha, it has been like a chaotic week sia. First up, just started FYP this week. Supervisors are cool and the people in my lab are kinda havoc XD Haha, and finally! There's someone beside me to talk to and my fyp is pair work...well, everyone in the lab is paired so bleah =P It also feels weird lol as my partner and I are the only ones from ECC and we're now located in Block L, surrounded by IT people >.<

Now for NAPFA. Took the test a few days ago on a Friday and after the test, these are the results:

One-minute Sit-up = 49
Standing Broad Jump = 222
Sit-and-Reach = 39 cm
Pull-Up = 5
4x10m Shuttle Run = 10.1 seconds
2.4km Run/Walk = 13.52

Diao~ Passed everything cept 2.4km. == Should have passed sia! Lol, ran the first round and the timing was 1.51 minutes. So I thought to myself, "Hmm, I think by the time I finished 2nd round it'll be around 4 minutes" So, I ran and for some freaking reason, I ran even slower than the first round and hell I did not notice it. Only noticed it when i finished the second round and the timing was like 5+ minutes. By the time panic sia, I was like "WTF!? o_o" by the time I picked up pace, too late already. HEY! at least its better than my secondary school record! lol.

Finally, went for the nationals today. Was like freaking nervous but managed to compose myself and cleared the round robin. Finally made it past the first round in tourney == Headed to the eliminations and my opponent was...CJ! AHHHH, stress seh! haha, for some reason I was a little...ok not a little...a hell lot kanchiong and that cost me my match. BOOOO! There was kinda some mix-up but not a problem though. In fact, am quite thankful I fought CJ. Haha, at least I know what went wrong so wasn't feeling sad after that match. Me and my kanchiong-ness~ HAHA, and Goldfish got second! o_o HE BEAT THE CAT! OMFG!!! Lol, gratz to those who won. Keep up the good work! Hmm, still am the slowest in my batch. Those active in my batch have at least a story to tell and stuff and I still got..none. Bleah, not my style to complain and rant so =P In due time! Haha, thanks to all the juniors who came to support us as well. Appreciate it. Shall end here today I guess. Till next time; Cheers~

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Air Gear

Haha, I'm back! First off, have a new pic for the blog ^^ The guy is Ikki, the main lead for Air Gear. Thus, today I shall just give my 2 cents regarding the anime and manga. For all those that haven't read or watch it yet, I suggest you watch the anime before reading the manga. It's for your own good! Lol.

When I first heard of Air Gear and went to read the review, my first impression was like " Hmm, how interesting can an anime get with....roller blades. Ones that can make!" Lol, but since the anime cds were like staring right at me in the face (Thanks, Jas XD) I figured that I should give it a try. So, I did. Hell, Air gear is simply o_o It first started out as what is said in the summary but as the anime progress, the story gets deeper and deeper. Lol, will not dwell into what the story is or it'll be a spoiler =P So, about why one should watch the anime before reading the manga?

Well, first thing first, the artwork in the manga is simply awesome. You can see the difference of the artwork between the anime and manga. Furthermoe, the anime stops halfway and to continue the storyline, one have to read the manga. Haha, I'll be lying if I say there are only a few similarities between the anime and the manga. Sure, there are a lot of similiar scenes and stuff but no harm starting all over =x Reason being there ARE variations to the scenes. Well, the anime might have ended but the manga is still ongoing. So, why Air Gear? Cause you'll simply love it. I mean, how often do you see people using motorized roller blades to kick butts

Haha, now for the summary can be found in Anime News Network. They are: (anime) and (manga) Lol, see ya then. Cheers~

Thursday, April 26, 2007

When You Divorce Me, Carry Me Out in Your Arms
By Cai Zhi Heng

On my wedding day, I carried my wife in my arms. The bridal car stopped in front of our one-room flat. My buddies insisted that I carry her out of the car in my arms. So I carried her into our home. She was then plump and shy. I was a strong and happy bridegroom.
This was the scene ten years ago.

The following days were as simple as a cup of pure water: we had a kid, I went into business and tried to make more money. When the assets were steadily increasing, the affection between us seemed to ebb. She was a civil servant. Every morning we left home together and got home almost at the same time. Our kid was studying in a boarding school.

Our marriage life seemed to be enviably happy. But the calm life was more likely to be affected by unpredictable changes.

Dew came into my life.

It was a sunny day. I stood on a spacious balcony. Dew hugged me from behind. My heart once again was immersed in her stream of love. This was the apartment I bought for her.
Dew said, You are the kind of man who best draws girls' eyeballs. Her words suddenly reminded me of my wife. When we were just married, my wife said, Men like you, once successful, will be very attractive to girls. Thinking of this, I became somewhat hesitant. I knew I had betrayed mywife. But I couldn’t help doing so.

I moved Dew' s hands aside and said, You go to select some furniture, O.K.? I ve got something to do in the company. Obviously she was unhappy, because I had promised to do it together with her. At the moment, the idea of divorce became clearer in my mind although it used to be something impossible to me.

However, I found it rather difficult to tell my wife about it. No matter how mildly I mentioned it to her, she would be deeply hurt. Honestly, she was a good wife. Every evening she was busy preparing dinner. I was sitting in front of the TV. The dinner was ready soon. Then we watched TV together. Or, I was lounging before the computer, visualizing Dew's body. This was the means of my entertainment.

One day I said to her in a slightly joking way, suppose we divorce, what will you do? She stared at me for a few seconds without a word. Apparently she believed that divorce was something too far away from her. I couldn’t imagine how she would react once she got to know I was serious.

When my wife went to my office, Dew had just stepped out. Almost all the staff looked at my wife with a sympathetic eye and tried to hide something while talking to her. She seemed to have got some hint. She gently smiled at my subordinates. But I read some hurt in her eyes.

Once again, Dew said to me, He Ning, divorce her, O.K.? Then we live together. I nodded. I knew I could not hesitate any more.

When my wife served the last dish, I held her hand. I’ve got something to tell you, I said.
She sat down and ate quietly. Again I observed the hurt in her eyes. Suddenly I didn’t know how to open my mouth. But I had to let her know what I was thinking. I want a divorce. I raised the serious topic calmly.

She didn’t seem to be annoyed by my words, instead she asked me softly, why? I’m serious. I avoided her question. This so-called answer made her angry. She threw away the chopsticks and shouted at me, you are not a man!

That night, we didn’t talk to each other. She was weeping. I knew she wanted to find out what had happened to our marriage. But I could hardly give her a satisfactory answer, because my heart had gone to Dew.

With a deep sense of guilt, I drafted a divorce agreement which stated that she could own our house, our car, and 30% stake of my company. She glanced at it and then tore it into pieces. I felt a pain in my heart. The woman who had been living ten years with me would become a stranger one day. But I could not take back what I had said.

Finally she cried loudly in front of me, which was what I had expected to see. To me her cry was actually a kind of release. The idea of divorce which had obsessed me for several weeks seemed to be firmer and clearer.

Late that night, I came back home after entertaining my clients. I saw her writing something at the table. I fell asleep fast. When I woke up, I found she was still there. I turned over and was asleep again.

She brought up her divorce conditions: she didn’t want anything from me, but I was supposed to give her one month’s time before divorce, and in the month’s time we must live as normal a life as possible. Her reason was simple: our son would finish his summer vacation a month later and she didn’t want him to see our marriage was broken.

She passed me the agreement she drafted, and then asked me, He Ning, do you still remember how I entered our bridal room on the wedding day? This question suddenly brought back all those wonderful memories to me. I nodded and said, I remember. You carried me in your arms, she continued, so, I have a requirement, that is, you carry me out in your arms on the day when we divorce. From now to the end of this month, you must carry me out from the bedroom to the door every morning.

I accepted with a smile. I knew she missed those sweet days and wished to end her marriage with romantically.

I told Dew about my wife's divorce conditions. She laughed loudly and thought it was absurd. No matter what tricks she does, she has to face the result of divorce, she said scornfully. Her words more or less made me feel uncomfortable.

My wife and I hadn’t had any body contact since my divorce intention was explicitly expressed. We even treated each other as a stranger. So when I carried her out on the first day, we both appeared clumsy. Our son clapped behind us, daddy is holding mummy in his arms. His words brought me a sense of pain. From the bedroom to the sitting room, then to the door, I walked over ten meters with her in my arms. She closed her eyes and said softly, Let us start from today, don’t tell our son. I nodded, feeling somewhat upset. I put her down outside the door. She went to wait for a bus, I drove to the office.

On the second day, both of us acted much more easily. She leaned on my chest. We were so close that I could smell the fragrance of her blouse. I realized that I hadn’t looked at this intimate woman carefully for a long time. I found she was not young any more. There were some fine wrinkles on her face.

On the third day, she whispered to me, The outside garden is being demolished. Be careful when you pass there.

On the fourth day, when I lifted her up, I seemed to feel that we were still an intimate couple and I was holding my sweetheart in my arms. The visualization of Dew became vague.
On the fifth and sixth day, she kept reminding me something, such as, where she put the ironed shirts, I should be careful while cooking, etc. I nodded. The sense of intimacy was even stronger.
I didn't tell Dew about this.

I felt it was easier to carry her. Perhaps the everyday workout made me stronger. I said to her, It seems not difficult to carry you now.

She was picking her dresses. I was waiting to carry her out. She tried quite a few but could not find a suitable one. Then she sighed, All my dresses have grown bigger. I smiled. But I suddenly realized that it was because she was thinner that I could carry her more easily, not because I was stronger. I knew she had buried all the bitterness in her heart. Again, I felt a sense of pain. Subconsciously I reached out a hand to touch her head.

Our son came in at the moment. Dad, it’s time to carry mum out. He said. To him, seeing his father carrying his mother out had been an essential part of his life. She gestured our son to come closer and hugged him tightly. I turned my face because I was afraid I would change my mind at the last minute. I held her in my arms, walking from the bedroom, through the sitting room, to the hallway. Her hand surrounded my neck softly and naturally. I held her body tightly, as if we came back to our wedding day. But her much lighter weight made me sad.
On the last day, when I held her in my arms I could hardly move a step. Our son had gone to school. She said, Actually I hope you will hold me in your arms until we are old.

I held her tightly and said, Both you and I didn’t notice that our life lacked intimacy.
I jumped out of the car swiftly without locking the door. I was afraid any delay would make me change my decision. I walked upstairs. Dew opened the door. I said to her, Sorry, Dew, I won't divorce. I'm serious.

She looked at me, astonished. The she touched my forehead. You got no fever. She said. I moved her hand off my head. Sorry, Dew, I said, I can only say sorry to you, I won’t divorce. My marriage life was boring probably because she and I didn’t value the details of life, not because we didn't love each other any more. Now I understand that since I carried her into the home, she gave birth to our child, I am supposed to hold her until I am old. So I have to say sorry to you.

Dew seemed to suddenly wake up. She gave me a loud slap and then slammed the door and burst into tears. I walked downstairs and drove to the office.

When I passed the floral shop on the way, I ordered a bouquet for my wife which was her favorite. The salesgirl asked me what to write on the card. I smiled and wrote, I'll carry you out every morning until we are old.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Quite a while since I'm here lol. Haha, turned nineteen on April's Fool. Feel very old now @_@ Sides, was really touched about the birthday cake surprise during the camp XD Thanks peeps, love ya all! Watched the movie Number 23 last saturday. Not that bad but still feel that the movie lacks in various ways. Ahaha, also managed to do a 140 bpm FM for audition, although I'm still always the last when I'm playing with...(you people know who you are!) Bleah XP Well, nothing much to talk about now. Feeling a bit lazy today. Lol, jiaying, will do your tag some other time aite? Haha, ciao then~

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Long time no see people! >.< Haha, a bit too lazy too constantly update but i do update once in a while XD Lol, exams are over and now having my attachment. NO HOLIDAY SIA T___T Lol, 2 weeks have passed since i first started on attachment. What i'm doing for attachment? Haha, thats a secret =x Nah, just ask me online or something if ya wanna know. Shouldn't say too much online for safety purpose XD

Lol, started playing qRO (Quality Ragnarok Online) Yes, I know its like kinda old but still find the RO nice though. I'm still playing Pangya and Audi although not as often as before. Haha, yesterday was kinda crappy lol. Played audi with my club members and got crombed >.< All too pro already haha. Nevermind, if they come Pangya..hehehe...

Training yesterday was @_@ Felt flat on my back during training. Ya know, like a bull charging at you and your from this position 'I', straightaway to this postion '_' Scary sia ==" Lol, gotta go now. Ciao~

Friday, February 23, 2007

Maths Paper

First paper was Engineering Maths which took place on thursday. The paper was pretty much manageble. Although i screwed up part 1b) which is 15 marks and part 5a)i) which is uh..crud forgot..i think 6 marks. Funny thing is when i check my paper and the first question was already wrong due to my carelessness and it didn't stop there as there were others == Oh well, it has already passed so no use ranting about it. Lol, hopefully can get at least an A for Maths. After Maths would be Industrial Electronics followed by Data and Networking and Micro P., Of all the things the school can do is they put the last two killer papers side by side == I mean, what the hell?! Lol, haha. Minna-san....Ganbatte!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Kendo Youth Tourney
Today was the day, to see if our past 5 months had been a fruitful one. Lol, one word to described it...SHIOK! Haha, this being my first youth tourney (missed last year's one), for my case, not bad la..i think >.<

For the individuals, i had to fight two NUS people in a round robin. Lol, a bit 'jialat' this year cos only one person from each round robin can proceed. I manage to draw with both of them and then when they fight each other, one of them won -_-" that time iwas like. "Oh sheet....Lol" Haha, therefore, didn't proceed XP

For team, my team (NYP Team B) had to fight NUS Team A and Team C -_-" Team A was kinda strong. Manage to draw with my opponent but in the end loss. That time doesn't really matter because its still according to plan. Then went fighting Team C, manage to win my opponent 2-0. Josh also manage to win his 2-0, Nick drew, Gabriel won 1-0 and Zili drew. Lol, thought can qualify to next round since 2 teams can proceed until...SMU turn. They won Team C completely and in they end, they get to qualify as they have more points then us -_-" Lol, all in all, Team B did a really great job even after the disastrous result on Friday during internal shiai. Real proud to be on the same team with you guys XD

Haha, most memorable match is...Men's Team Finals! Its NYP Team A vs SKC Team A. Woah, this is like..THE BOMB! The most jialat thing is that SKC Team A consists fully of japanese people. So their chances of winning looks slim but, everyone in NYP Team A gave in their all...literally. When it's finally time for the last person to fight, they drew in terms of matches but losing in terms of points. That means if they lose or draw, they lost the match. Therefore, it was solely up to our last kendoka CJ, to win the match. The match was kinda cool sia. CJ first lost a point, which moments later he took back. However, time was running up and like I said, even if they draw the match, they will lose the finals by points. (then we were like "YEA!!! ONE MORE! ONE MORE!" and chan sensei ask us to quieten down XD) The best moment was the last few seconds of the match. The whistle was already in timer's mouth and before the timer blew the whistle, CJ got a point off his opponent granting him a victory ^^ Lol, the moment we saw the flags raised up showing that he got the point, all of us were like damn high sia!! WOOT!

Haha, so these are our results (stole from selina's blog >.<) :

Men individual Bronze - Zhaolu

Men individual Silver - Xu ning

Ladies team Bronze - NYP A (Selina, Yuyan, Juline)

Ladies team Silver - NYP B (Alison, Jasmine, Jia ying)

Men team Gold - NYP A (Xu ning, Zhaolu, Poh huat, Wai kay, CJ)

Lol, good job everyone. All our hard work paid off >.<

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Ok this hectic week for the two projects are coming to an end. Not like I start them last minute or something...Maybe except my semestral project which i started last Sunday (and a lot started like at LEAST month ago -_-" ) Oh well, at least I have only two more wires to wire wrap and then download the program into my circuit XP

Thank god my comm skill group are like...SHIOK! Lol, was like gambling a little when I chose my teammates but now I have no regrets XD Presentation this Friday for comm skills. Crud, need to wear formal @_@ Shall psycho myself to believe that formal wear is actually that darn comfortable XD Keke, also got back my last two results. Got a Dist for Maths but for Micro P....die..die...Lol, so now 2 Dist, a B and last one is....XP Crud, need to backup sia.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Keke, got back two results. Got a B for my Data and Network Communications and an A+ for Industrial Electronics XD Still waiting for another two subjects. Haha, crud..forgot almost everything I learn, must be the Monday Blues @_@. Training is kinda cool today i guess. Got a real workout XP

Lol, 3 projects. One down: Entrepeneurship. Two more to go: Semestral Project and Communication Skills. Progress is good for both XD Just a 'little' bit more and hell is over....actually not really....still have the god...I think this semester the exams will be a hell lot more difficult than the previous semesters. Oh well XD